Title: 台灣地區戶政機關服務品質量表之發展
Development of the Scale for Measuring Service Quality of Household Registration Offices in Taiwan
Authors: 鍾覺非
Jiue Fei, Jung
丁 承
Cherng G. Ding
Keywords: 戶政;服務品質;項目分析;探索性因素分析;驗證性因素分析;Household Registration;Service Quality;Item Analysis;Exploratory Factor Analysis;Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 摘 要 本論文主要研究目的乃在開發台灣地區戶政機關服務品質量表, 運用Parasuraman, Zeithaml, 和Berry(1985,1988)三位學者所提出的服務品質衡量模式,結合Cronin & Taylor(1992)所提出之單純績效(simple Performance-based)衡量方式來衡量屬於非營利性服務業之一的戶政機關服務品質。服務品質初始量表係採取兩階段預試方式加以確立。在第一階段資料蒐集完成後,首先以項目分析(item analysis)檢定初始量表中63個題項在高分組與低分組之間是否存在顯著差異,接著再以探索性因素分析(EFA)萃取出服務品質構念。然後再以第二階段蒐集之資料,依Anderson&Gerbing(1988)的兩階段法(two-steps approach)檢驗量表之信度與效度(包含收斂效度、區別效度以及效標關聯效度),最後完成台灣地區戶政機關服務品質量表之開發。 台灣地區戶政機關服務品質量表共包含可靠性、主動關懷、資源便利、有形實體與承諾回應等五個構面及三十項指標,可藉以有效評估台灣地區戶政機關服務品質,亦可提供戶政機關主管人員比較民眾對不同部門間之服務品質評價,幫助戶政機關決定其應加強服務與需注意服務的地方,以作為提升服務品質的努力方向。
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to construct a service quality instrument for Household Registration Offices in Taiwan. We intend to combine PZB’s model(1985,1988)with Cronin & Taylor’s (1992) simple performance-based measures of service quality so as to evaluate service quality of household registration offices in Taiwan. By reviewing related literature,we developed a preliminary scale with a two-step pretest.The first-step was to consult the experts and scholars.The next was to consult the multitude that visit the household registration offices in Taipei county . After collecting the first-stage data,item-analysis was used to discriminate the high score group with the low score group for each of the 63 preliminary items in the scale . EFA was then used to extract constructs of service quality.based on the second-stage data , CFA was conducted to evaluate the reliabilityand construct validity.Moreover, the overall service quality satisfaction was used as the criteria to evaluate the criterion -related validity.The reliability and validities were all supported. The scale , with adequate reliability and validities , is composed of thirty items for the five constructs:reliability,empathy,facilitatability,tangibles,responsiveness.The instrument is useful for evaluating service quality of household registration offices in Taiwan.
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