Title: 網站舒適度分析與研究
Visual Comfort Diagnoses on Websites
Authors: 魏銘佑
Wei, Ming-Yu
Hsieh, Sheau-Ling
Tsai, Wen-Nung
Keywords: 網站舒適度;閃爍;Web Comfortabilities;Flicker
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 近年來網際網路的普及以及網頁技術的不斷演進,使得過去透過電視及報章雜誌獲取資訊的方式,有了很大的改變 - 看新聞,找資料,聽音樂或是看電影都幾乎可以透過網路來達成。因此,以網頁為平台的概念在近年來逐漸成型。 一個網站的舒適度,取決於許多因素,例如:版型,配色,字體,或閃爍等等。本篇論文主要探討閃爍對網站舒適度的影響。過去的研究指出,長時間觀看高閃爍物品,會讓人產生暈眩或嘔吐感;對於某些使用者,甚至會造成癲癇的情況。 本研究使用了Trace Center所開發的Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT),搭配我們提出的一個有效的算法,測量並分析世界流量前三十大的網站閃爍度,最後透過使用者問卷來加以驗證。實驗結果顯示,網頁閃爍度對使用者舒適度的高低有相當程度的影響。另外,PEAT不僅可用來測量會引發癲癇的閃爍物,也可用來測量網站的舒適度。網頁開發者可利用我們的方法對其網站加以分析,提供使用者在視覺上更舒服的設計。
In the recent decade, the wired/wireless networking infrastructures have become overwhelmingly popular. In addition, the Web technologies are increasingly evolving. It transforms the ways of how information is obtained. Increasingly, the Web is providing unprecedented access to the information as well as interacting with people’s daily lives. Web comfortability relies on many factors, for examples, page layouts, color schemes, fonts, or flicker rates. The previous researches indicate the rapid fluctuations in luminance have crucial interdependences of triggering photosensitive seizure disorders, or stimulating epilepsy. In the study, we utilized PEAT to analyze flickering severity index based upon Alexa’s ranking of global top 30 Websites. The index has been validated and verified by the questionnaires conducted and surveyed accordingly. The results illustrate superior conformability between the two approaches. The study reveals and proves the PEAT not only can reduce risk of epilepsy and seizure disorders but also can measure Web comfortabilities. Therefore, perceived comforts depend upon Web contents temporal and spatial fluctuations. The study provides Web developers sophisticated indicators to perform, evaluate Web comfortability analysis and monitoring as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis