Title: 以MES為基礎之中小型製程管理系統之設計
Based on MES to Design a Manufacturing Management System for SME
Authors: 鄭鴻振
Hung-Chen Cheng
Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 製造執行系統;製程管理系統;中小型製造業;MES;MMS;SME
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 有鑑於大型高科技製造業使用製造執行系統(MES),可以有效提高製造產能與生產良率,並達成工廠管理之目的,因此與這些大型高科技製造業銜接的上下游衛星工廠之中小製造業者也開始評估與導入MES系統。不過這些中小型業者並無法複製大型MES系統的複雜流程與功能,而且整體的建置預算成本也有限,也不如大型高科技業者,可以付出較多的費用與提供較多的維護人力。 面對這樣的問題,本研究主要探討如何以大型MES為基礎,設計與開發一套中小型製程管理系統,透過模組化的系統架構,建立整合的資料庫,配合中小型製造業特性之需求,此系統具有大型MES系統的穩定度,同時也能彈性化的調整,提供各種相關的資訊。本研究內容提出中小型製程管理系統的設計規格與架構,以及系統的功能,最後以實際案例說明製程管理系統設計的方法與實際畫面展示,以及個案導入此系統所帶來的效益說明。 本研究結果可以協助中小型製造業者,評估導入MES或製程管理系統的參考,本研究的效益包括:提高工廠作業效率,加速資料傳遞效率、降低管理成本,等三大效益。藉由此製程管理系統的運用,提高工廠生產力,也間接提升生產人員士氣,並透過系統設計的架構機制,有效將製程資料傳遞至其他系統,資料不但即使而且正確,同時也降低整體管理成本,提升企業競力。
The large-scale Hi-Tech manufacturing industry uses the MES (Manufacturing Executive system) to improve and increase their productivity, yield rate and help them can easily manage the factory. Many SME have linking with large-scale Hi-Tech factory, and they also need to manage and get more productivity, so SME begin to survey MES. But these SMEs unable to duplicate procedure and function of large-scale MES system, and the construction budget cost of the whole is limited. But SME cannot pay more expenses and offer more maintenance manpower. The large-scale MES is design for complex process and can cover more function for FAB. So the SME cannot copy large MES to their factory. For those reasons, this research mainly discuses how to design a manufacturing management system (MMS) for SME base on a large-scale MES, The Manufacturing Management System is Modulize and Flexible, and as reliability as large MES, It will support SME factory operation. This research provides the System architecture、functions 、specifications of MMS. Finally have an actual case lets us to know the real system view and benefits from the case. This research results can help SME to survey and implement MES or MMS. The system benefits include: increase performance of factory operations and productions, accelerate the data transfer between the different information systems. Also the new system helps the operators easy to handling-over the job and makes the morale up. After implement the system, the total cost of ownership for management is down and enhances the company competence.
Appears in Collections:Thesis