Title: 逆物流服務品質研究-以某國際物流公司為例
Reverse Logistics Service Quality Analysis - A Case Study on an International Forwarding Enterprise
Authors: 鄭純凡
Jiuh-Biing Sheu
Keywords: 逆物流;服務品質;Reverse Logistics;Service Quality
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 隨著全球暖化及氣候變遷之影響,不僅對客戶端因為不確定性增高使得供應鏈安排 及市場需求預測更加困難,在物流業來講也增加其競爭程度。而逆物流的需求在近 幾年來的發展,因為大環境的需要,也逐漸成為許多客戶在管理其供應鏈與選擇貨 物承攬業時,很重要的考量之一。作為物流業者如何在逆境中求生,並提升自身競 爭力與價值,提供更高品質的逆物流服務,為一大挑戰! 本研究以個案公司為例,採用PZB模型分析客戶及物流業者對於逆物流服務品質之 認知差異,並針對差異中對於服務品質影響較大的因素,探討其背後之成因,並提 供個案公司主管今後之客戶關係管理,提高服務滿意度,與行銷策略之建議。 是故從客戶與個案公司主管兩方面來著手,了解客戶的想法與個案公司主管的立 場,透過問卷的方式作為主要的分析工具,驗證個案公司在逆物流服務上的品質與 客戶的認是否產生差異。問卷內容主要建構在SERVQUAL的五個服務品質面向上,針 對服務缺口一與缺口五來分析其中差異。 研究結果顯示,在缺口一與五上,客戶與個案公司主管的認知呈現顯著的差異,在 缺口一中幾乎在每個因素客戶與個案公司主管們的認知都產生差異;在缺口五中也 存在兩個因素的顯著差異。因此,針對服務品質存在落差之機會點及個案公司主管 對客戶關係管理與服務改善之方案提出建議,透過方案的設計,以期達成提高服務 品質與個案公司永續經營的目的。最後,對未來的研究與本研究之限制提出看法與討論。
With the global warming and environment changes, logistics service providers have to find alternative solution to serve customers needs. The customers also have to manage uncertainties on the supply chain to act on the government regulations and cost surge. In the supply chain, how to provide a better Reverse Logistics service which will be critical issues for both customers and logistics service providers. This paper is aim at Reverse Logistics service quality provided by target company, and find the gaps between customers expectations, and target company management perception of customers expected service, also, the gaps between the service customers expected and perceived. Through the research, we attempt to explore more information resulted in the gaps which would be assisting target company management team to understand customers needs, and setup future selling strategies. The research involved survey comprised of two sets of questionnaires concerning customers expectation and management perception. Forty-six customers and forty-five management and employees participated in the study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics and SERVQUAL method in order to find Gap One and Five, and indicate the significant differences through five factors between two groups. 6 Results of this study showed the significant Gap One between customers and management were derived from every dimensions (Tangibles, Assurance, Empathy, Responsiveness, Reliability), and Gap Five existed on both Assurance and Reliability dimensions. To conclude, this study may be of the importance in explaining the gaps on Reverse Logistics service of the target company’s customers expected and the management team perceived, with the better understanding how the customers expectations, the management will be able to better managed and apply on customer relationship management, also, to provide customized and exceptional Reverse Logistics service.
Appears in Collections:Thesis