Title: ISO 9001驗證服務與效益之研究
A Research of ISO 9001 Certification Service and Its Benefits
Authors: 葉薇芬
Wei-fen Yeh
Jin-Li Hu
Keywords: ISO 9001驗證;驗證效益;品質機能展開;ISO 9001 certification;certification benefits;quality function deployment
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 國際標準化組織 (International Organizations for Standardization, ISO) 於1987年制訂ISO 9000系列品質管理與品質保證制度標準以來,全球企業掀起一股ISO 9000驗證之熱潮,推行ISO 9000品質管理制度並取得驗證也成為企業建立標準化程序之基本門檻。國內外已有許多探討ISO 9000驗證效益及實施影響之研究,本論文則利用經濟部標準檢驗局2006年對驗證服務品質滿意問卷調查之720家驗證廠商資料進行分析,利用品質機能展開 (QFD) 之觀念,找出顧客需求 (驗證效益),並以迴歸模式瞭解驗證機構提供之ISO 9001驗證服務是否對廠商感受之驗證效益有影響。實證結果發現:驗證機構的驗證服務對廠商感受的驗證效益有正向影響,且驗證服務中有關稽核人員之專業能力、驗證制度之明確性及行政服務態度這三項影響程度最高,驗證機構應於其驗證服務方面增加其驗證價值,以提供更有效的驗證服務。
Implementation of ISO 9000 has been a fundamental threshold to establish standardization procedures for organizations. This thesis analyzes a dataset of certification service survey including 720 organizations made by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) in Taiwan in 2006. The concept of quality function deployment (QFD) is applied to evaluate the customer requirements (certification effects). The regression model is used to find if the perceived certification effects are influenced by the certification service provided by the certification body. The certification service has significantly positive influences on the perceived benefits. The most three important factors of certification benefits are auditor expertise, the degree of accuracy and clearness of certification scheme, and the attitude of certification administration staff. The certification body shall provide higher value-added certification service to promote certification benefits to cerfified organizations
Appears in Collections:Thesis