Title: 從組織環境之觀點探討中華電信採用360度回饋之可行性研究
A Survey on the Readiness of 360 Degree Feedback Implementation within the Organizational Context- The Case of Chunghwa Telecom
Authors: 李政憶
Cheng Yi Lee
Cherng G. Ding
Keywords: 360度回饋;準備就緒;組織環境;組織文化;溝通;回饋文化;信任;學習型組織;360 degree feedback;readiness;organizational context;organizational culture;communication;feedback culture;trust;learning organization
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 中華電信公司自94年民營化之後,在人力資源管理上採取了許多新的措施,其中以績效考核五等第之措施較令人詬病。雖說新的績效考核制度係要以公道考核來獎優輔劣,以績效能力取代年資或職位傾向,透過差異化考核,作為人事決策的重要依據,立意甚佳,然而在執行面的運作上仍有若干限制,除了「人」的因素之外,就是考核後並未針對任何回饋進行後續之追蹤及教導。如果工作只是工作,而得不到任何成長與回饋,那麼充其量僅會把工作完成而不會有額外之貢獻。況且績效考核既然掌握了所有員工之工作發展及職涯前途,那麼設立一種常軌的系統用以作為評量之工具則異常重要。對於員工而言,所有人都要知道他們績效表現的位置在哪?相對於公司其他成員,其表現又是如何? 360度回饋系統已盛行多年,此種多元的評量方式有助於杜絕個人偏見所產生之偏差,更符合現今多元化與複雜化之管理工作。此外,個體需藉由回饋的過程以了解「自己眼中的我」與「別人眼中的我」之間的差距,進而增進自我了解,以此作為改變工作行為之依據及參考。360度回饋發展至今已具有相當完整之架構,並具其信度與效度之支持;然而卻鮮少有組織在實施前進行準備就緒(readiness)之測量。 任何一個組織若要能完整並充分的受惠於此系統,必須診斷其實施360度回饋之環境與背景(Levy and Williams, 2004);任何系統若要能成功的被導入,除了要有決策者之支持外,必須針對組織環境採用此系統之配適性(fitness)就不同面向進行偵測。 本研究依據文獻整理,提出與360度回饋實施有關之五個組織環境構面,分別是組織文化、溝通、回饋文化、信任及學習性組織等,針對中華電信總公司之員工進行問卷調查,以了解其組織對於360度回饋系統施行之就緒程度。鑒於本研究問卷選項係以李克特(Likert)五點尺度量表請受測者進行勾選,倘若以平均數四分作為準備就緒之切割點,整體而言,除了學習型組織中之自我超越次構面有跨過門檻外,其餘之構面仍有待改善後,方才有利於該系統之推動。
How ready the organization is to implement a 360 Degree Feedback System is the focus of this case study. Chunghwa Telecom (CHT)completed its privatization in the year of 2005 with an inception of a fully new human resource decision making, connecting its performance appraisal with pay, bonus and promotion. The idea is to differentiate performance untied with years of service and position; however, certain bias and errors existed when “human beings and subjectivity” are involved. In addition, current feedback mechanism given in CHT’s appraisal process went into a formality without any effect in essence. Therefore, labor unions and employees in the organization proposed that the Company to adopt a 360 degree feedback though the performance can be evaluated well-rounded and constructive feedback can be provided for personal and career development. The issue of readiness arises prior to implementation and concerns how prepared the organization is to change from a single-source feedback system to 360 degree feedback. After a thorough review of literatures, we found that certain contexts must be examined from members’ perception prior to the introduction of this system, that is, organizational culture, communication, feedback culture, trust and learning organization of this given organization. With 228 valid samples we collected and analyzed, evidences showed that the overall organizational contexts within the Company should be better improved so that 360 degree feedback system can be introduced and implemented successfully. In the meantime, certain recommendations were made for the Company to take into consideration.
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