Title: PC產業中紅海策略與藍海策略的普及性研究
The Prevalence of Red Ocean vs. Blue Ocean Strategy in PC Industry
Authors: 詹惠珺
Keywords: 藍海策略;紅海策略;競爭策略;Blue Ocean Strategy;Red Ocean Strategy;Competitive Strategy
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 台灣的PC產業服膺摩爾定律以及全球化的趨勢,在這樣高度競爭的時代,藍海策略一書不啻如一盞明燈,讓「避開紅海,航向藍海」成為每個企業所追求的策略目標。然而偏重成本競爭的「紅海」是否真的不如以創新價值為本的「藍海」市場? 因此本研究將以PC產業裡的品牌廠商為研究對象,探討驅動PC產業裡品牌廠商成長的動力究竟何在?透過個案研究的方式,分別探討市場領導者與非市場領導者的策略運用,以期能達成下列研究目的: 一、了解藍海策略與紅海策略在實務上的有效性。 二、了解藍海策略與紅海策略相較之下,哪一種帶動的經營績效成長較高。 三、了解根據企業選擇採用藍海策略與紅海策略,來做企業特性的歸納。 而本研究所得到的結論有三: 結論一:藍海策略是創業之際所採用的策略,而紅海策略則是守成之際所採用的策略。 結論二:在帶動經營績效成長方面,如果真能找到藍海,那麼成長力道是相當強勁的。 結論三:在企業特性方面,市場領導者通常會採用紅海策略,非市場領導者則比較容易朝藍海策略走。
The PC industry in Taiwan follows the Moore’s law and globalization trend. In such a hyper-competitive era, the publishing of Blue ocean strategy is just like a beacon. It guided corporate to avoid “Red Ocean” and create “Blue Ocean”. However, here comes the question: Is Blue Ocean strategy really better than Red ocean strategy? In order to seek for the answer, this research will take the own-brand PC makers as case study material to dig in below aims: 1. Compare the effectiveness of Red Ocean Strategy vs. Blue Ocean Strategy. 2. Compare the performance of Red Ocean Strategy vs. Blue Ocean Strategy. 3. Categorize the characteristics of companies prefer to use Red Ocean Strategy and those prefer to use Blue Ocean Strategy. After studying the strategies of market leader and non market leader, the conclusions come out to be: 1. Blue Ocean strategy is often used by start-up business, while Red Ocean Strategy is often used by business that is in the market for a long time. 2. If Blue Ocean Strategy is feasible, it will bring company greater growth rate than Red Ocean Strategy. 3. Market leader tends to use Red Ocean Strategy, while non market leader tends to use Blue Ocean Strategy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis