Title: LED產品於建築空間之應用效益探討-以廠房辦公空間為例
A Study of LED Product Performance Analysis for Architectural Space-A Case study on Fabrication Office Space
Authors: 賴敏政
Lai, Min-Cheng
Weng, Cheng-Chiang
Keywords: 發光二極體;廠房辦公空間;再生能源;Light Emitting Diode;Fabrication Office Space;Renewable Energy
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 隨著LED產業之快速成長與技術提升,現今LED之發光效率遠超過現行日光燈之能量利用,LED因具備省電、低污染及效率高之特性,讓其成為深具潛力之照明技術,有鑑於此,本研究將藉由國內外認知、消費者行為與產品創新性之相關文獻蒐集彙整,發現複雜性、相容性、相對優勢以及成本等訊息,為建築空間採用LED燈具之重要參考指標,本研究並依此指標為依據,以案例探討法,準確評估LED產品應用於高科技廠房空間之效益,以提供未來相關應用者參考。在案例探討之效益評估部分,本研究將以一般常見之T8燈具做為對照組,並以多種類型之LED燈具為實驗組進行效益比較,綜觀實驗結果,發現LED燈具之價格、發光效率尚無法與T8燈具競爭,其散熱問題造成之壽命縮短尚待克服,本研究建議在高科技廠房內之局部照明可使用LED燈具,但在一般規模較大之辦公區,需待發光效率及壽命優於T8燈具時,始可全面採用LED燈具。
Following fast-paced growth and technological advancements in the LED industry, the efficiency of LED lighting today is far superior to the energy use of current florescent lighting. Because LEDs possess power saving, low pollution, and high efficiency characteristics, it has become a lighting technology with significant potential. Based on these developments, this research will examine the relationship between consumer behavior and product innovation by compiling recognized domestic and overseas literature to discuss the complexity, compatibility, relative superiority, and cost information that represent the major objectives in considering the use of LED lamps in buildings. This study will also use these objectives, through case studies, as a basis for accurately evaluating the benefits of LED product applications in high tech manufacturing spaces to provide insight on related future applications. In the section on evaluating the benefits of case studies, this research will use common T8 lamps as a contrast group while using a variety of LED lamp test groups to carry out benefit comparisons. A survey of test results finds that LED lamp prices and luminous efficacy are still unable to compete with T8 lamps. Heat problems in LED lamps, which curtail LED lifespan, have yet to be overcome. This study suggests that in high tech manufacturing spaces, partial use of LED lighting can be used; in larger office areas, however, the luminous efficacy and lifespan of LED lamps must surpass that of T8 lamps before comprehensive adoption of LED lamps can begin.
Appears in Collections:Thesis