Title: IC晶圓代工廠之智財權管理
IP Management in IC Foundry
Authors: 徐欣榮
Hsu Hsin-Jung
Dr. Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 智慧財產權;半導體晶圓代工;授權管理;Intellectual Property Rights;IC Foundry;License
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 智財權管理對晶圓代工可謂日益重要:消極者可享技術保護,交互授權以降低成本;積極者更可建立技術門檻阻絕競爭,並索取權利金來獲利。 是以本研究目的在了解我國半導體晶圓代工產業的智財權現況並探討其所應發展的智財權管理策略。綜合歸納出研究結論,並提出具體建議,俾提供台灣半導體業者於制定智財權管理策略之參考。 本研究首先探討相關文獻,做為研究的理論基礎。並進行半導體產業結構之探討。而後進行智慧財產權之分析,找出台灣的半導體晶圓代工產業具有的問題點。透過個案研究方式,更進一步掌握台灣的代工業者的智財權管理現況,而後提出具體的晶圓代工產業智財權管理推行之建議。
IP management becomes more and more important in IC Foundry. Not only it can reduce the business cost by technology protection and cross license but also it can earn profits by creating technology threshold and asking money for IP right. This paper presents one developing plan of IP management in IC Foundry, which is created based on evaluating the actual working management model in IC Foundry in Taiwan. The model of IP management in IC Foundry present by this paper will provide one solid developing suggestion of IP management as a reference for all Foundry vendors in Taiwan. First of all, this paper studied all related documents as the basis of theory for further research. Secondly it describes the issues of IP management so far in Taiwan. Finally it provides one solid developing plan for IP management in IC Foundry by case study in Taiwan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis