Title: 以科技接受模式探討RFID在餐飲業應用之研究
A Study on Implementing RFID System in Restaurants
Authors: 曹永興
Tsau, Yung-Sying
Hung, Chih-Young
Keywords: 餐飲業資訊系統;無線射頻識別系統;科技接受模式;結構方程式;Catering information system;RFID system;Technology Acceptance Model;Structural Equation Modeling
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 自從2003 年Wal-Mart 開始導入RFID以來,RFID技術在實務應用跨出重要的第一步。RFID的相關研究已有累積相當成果,除RFID系統設計之外,有一部份專注在RFID對於供應鏈及物流管理。再者,由於RFID的技術發展成熟,因此RFID相關應用研究亦日益增加,例如在醫院、旅館及圖書系統管理等,RFID這項新技術所帶來的可能效益,逐漸為人所重視,更顯現RFID相關研究的確發揮出其實質貢獻,讓整個RFID產業發展呈現正向循環。 近年來科技的發展,新的軟體技術引進,「資訊化」讓許多產業昇級並擴大了服務的範圍。餐飲服務業透過銷售端管理系統已創造許多新的價值,目前日本亦逐漸將RFID導入原有的銷售端管理系統,讓銷售端管理系統更能即時的反應餐飲服務流程,進而改善,提高服務品質及客戶滿意度。因此,本研究將以RFID新科技導入餐飲資訊平台,業者的接受度進行研究,以期在未來能為RFID業者及餐飲從業人員提供有用的研究成果及參考資訊。 本研究將使用結構方程式(SEM)驗證本研究以科技接受模式(TAM)理論所建立的模型,透過問卷調查分析台灣餐飲業對於RFID系統導入的接受度,以期在未來能為RFID業者及餐飲從業人員提供有用的研究成果及參考資訊。研究結果顯示:知覺易用性和態度對行為異圖有顯著的正向關係,而知覺有用性則是會透過態度間接與行為意圖有正向關係。
Since Wal-Mart started to set up RFID system at 2003, RFID application took the important first step. RFID-related research has accumulated considerable success, in addition to RFID system design in addition, there is a part of the focus on RFID for supply chain and logistics management. Furthermore, due to the development of RFID technology matures, so RFID-related applied research have also increased, for example in hospitals, hotels, and book system management. RFID technology not only brings the new potential benefits arising from a gradual standing subject of great importance, but also show RFID-related research truly played out its substantive contribution to the development of the entire RFID industry. In recent years, technology development upgraded many industries and expanded the scope of services. Catering services have created extra value by using Point-Of-Sale system. At present, Japan also gradually implements RFID into existing management systems, so that Point-of-Sale system has also an immediate reaction and catering services, processes, thereby improving and upgrading the quality of service and customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study will focus on new technology, RFID catering information platform. Hope could give relative companies reference. This study will use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) verified this study, and take Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory as the established model. Then use the questionnaire survey to analyze the acceptance of the catering industry for the RFID system. Provide a useful research and reference information for RFID and catering industry practitioners. The results showed that: perceived ease of use and attitudes on behavior intension have a significant positive relationship diagram. While the perceived usefulness and behavioral intentions are positively related indirectly through attitudes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis