Title: 使用適應性電壓位準技術以減小右半平面零點效應之直流-直流升壓電壓電源轉換器
Minimized Right-Half Plane Zero Effect on Fast Boost DC-DC Converter Achieved by Adaptive Voltage Positioning Technique
Authors: 廖婕妤
Liao, Jie-Yu
Chen, Ke-Horng
Keywords: 升壓轉換器;適應性電壓位準技術;Boost converter;Adaptive Voltage Positioning Technique
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 在傳統的升壓轉換器電路中,輸出電壓之暫態響應時間被所熟知的系統右半平面零
載從100mA變化到400mA時,輸出電壓做到了比4us 更短的回穩時間以及40mV的電
路以脈波寬度調變之方式實現。回授控制電路之電源電壓源範圍為2.5 伏特到3.6 伏特。
最佳效率在負載電流為400 毫安培時可達93%。本論文之設計使用TSMC 0.25um 嵌入
高壓5V 1P4M CMOS製程技術進模擬與製作。
The transient response time of conventional boost is limited by the well-known
right-hand plane (RHP) zero. To relieve this problem, the fast boost DC-DC converter
designed with adaptive voltage positioning (AVP) technique to minimize the right-half plane
zero effect is proposed. The concept of constant output impedance is a universal design
principle in former works with AVP design. However, the RHP zero appear in control to
output transfer function of boost converter obstruct achievement of constant output impedance.
The AC adjusting skill proposed in this paper illustrates how to obtain relative constant output
impedance and accomplish the AVP characteristic in boost converter. The boost converter
design with the AVP technique provides much faster response time and smaller voltage
overshoots or undershoots during the load transient compared with any control scheme
presented before. The simulation results is presented to show excellent performance of faster
than 4us response time and the 40mV voltage drop when the load current is varied from
100mA to 400mA.
Another focus in AVP control boost converter design is the compensation method.
Because of its multi-loop structure, the function of loop gain of boost converter with AVP
technique is complicated. The thesis will show the detail analysis in small signal model,
function of loop gain and compensator design for boost converter with AVP control.
The presented boost converter has been designed with 2.5V input voltage and 5V output
voltage. The feedback control circuit is realized by a pulse width modulation (PWM) control
method. The supply voltage of the controller is in the range from 2.5V to 3.6V. The best
efficiency of the converter is 92% at 300mA load current. This converter design is simulated
and fabricated in TSMC 0.25μm embedded high voltage 5V 1P4M CMOS technology.
Appears in Collections:Thesis