Title: 三氧化鎢/二氧化銥全固態元件於甲烷氣體感測之研究
The Study of CH4 Sensing in WO3/IrO2 solid-state diodes
Authors: 江仕超
Chiang, Shih-Chao
Chao, Shu-Chi
Keywords: 全固態感測元件;double injection
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本論文建立在三氧化鎢及二氧化銥兩種半導體材料的研究上。透過這兩種材料製作出一顆毋須電解質的全固態感測元件,其操作機制來自於雙載子注入(氫離子、電子)。因二氧化銥薄膜內含氫離子,而在三氧化鎢中發生擴散,使元件在外加偏壓下發生二極體效應。 這兩種半導體材料是利用濺鍍所製程的,並經摻雜銥增感劑提升元件靈敏度,最後以AB 膠進行封裝。此感測二極體將在不同電壓及高溫環境下進行操作,用以分析元件對甲烷的靈敏度。實驗的結果顯示這元件在甲烷的注入下有電性的改變。在操作電壓不同或甲烷濃度不同時,都將導致二極體的電導產生變化。藉此可定義元件的靈敏度,以評估元件對甲烷感測的能力。 此感測元件優點有:(1)毋須電解質(液) (2)具備開關性質 (3)具有感測氣體再現性 (4)具高線性的靈敏度變化 (5)某操作範圍內具有穩定的靈敏度等。
This article made a main research in the chemical elements based on WO3 and IrO2 materials. We used these materials to fabricate methane sensing solid-state device without electrolyte. The mechanism of the device was based on double injection (H+,e-). These films produced reversible redox reaction under additional bias, because H+ including in IrO2 film diffused toward WO3 film. Theses films are fabricated by sputtering, and doped small amount of iridium to improve the sensitivity. It was finally packaged with epoxy. The sensing device is operated at the different voltage and works at high temperature to analyze device sensitivity for methane concentration. The result of experiment shows this device is able to change its electricity with injecting methane. When operating voltage or methane concentration changes, it causes diode conductance to respond. We can define device sensitivity for methane,estimating sensing ability by relative conductance change. To sum up, the advantages of this device include sensing without electrolyte, voltage control switch, good reproduction, highly linear sensitivity, stable sensitivity between certain voltages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis