Title: 以代言人尋找機制來實行社會廣告行銷
An Endorser Discovering Mechanism for Social Advertising
Authors: 連乃儁
Lien, Nine-Jun
Li, Yung-Ming
Keywords: 社會廣告;病毒式行銷;社交影響力;Social advertising;Viral marketing;Social influence
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 近年來社會網絡社群的興盛對線上廣告模式產生了新的衝擊,這些網站提供使用者可彼此互動的多樣服務促使使用者花費大量的時間在其平台上活動,廣告主因此將目光集中在這些高流量高人氣的社會網絡網站。 此篇研究基於病毒式行銷的精神以一個代言人尋找機制提出新的社會廣告行銷模型,我們透過對使用者的社交影響力分析、廣告喜好度分析和評價回饋機制在社會網絡中找到適合的廣告代言人,透過代言人個人的影響力廣告在朋友網絡中被分享和過濾。藉由在Facebook網站的實驗結果,我們證明代言人尋找機制可提升廣告的被點閱率和改善廣告在傳遞中普遍負面觀感過高的現象,並且間接提供了一個尋找適當種子節點作為病毒式廣告行銷源頭的機制。
Social networks (SNs) in Internet are gaining importance as a component of commercial possibilities. Many web services adopting SNs concept, such as MySpace and Facebook, have been making great progress or creating new opportunities in recent years. Online advertising, from email advertising to banner advertising and embedded advertising, becomes the main business model for social networking sites based on providing free services to users. Advertisers attempt to expose ads to appropriate customers, they conduct marketing research to discover which users are their potential customers but the return on investment is still low. In this paper, we propose an advertising system based on social relation and viral marketing. Different from traditional advertising manner, advertising message are only sent to suitable endorsers who are influential in online social networks and interested in the category of advertisements initially. The advertisements be spread by our mechanism can significantly improve the advertising efficiency and enhace the positive influence and decreasing negative effect that come along with the advertisement delivery.
Appears in Collections:Thesis