Title: 中國大陸服務業對外開放法制之研究
Study on the Legal System of the Reform and Opening Up of Service Industry in China
Authors: 顏偲凡
Yen, Szu-Fan
Lin, Chien-Chung
Wang, Wen-Chieh
Keywords: 中國大陸;改革開放;服務業;服務貿易;China;reform and opening up;servece industry;trade in service
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 中國改革開放以來,隨著經濟體制改革的推進,各種適應市場經濟發展需要的現代服務業應運而生,服務業結構基本實現由以傳統服務業為主到傳統服務業與現代服務業共同發展相互促進轉變。加入WTO後,中國服務業對外開放度越來越高,外商投資服務業有迅速增長的趨勢,整體服務出口能力有所提昇。外資進入服務業總是與中國法制的建立亦步亦趨,外商投資象徵著市場經濟,市場經濟基本上是法制經濟,服務業尤其特重市場經濟體制之完善。為因應現實的需要,從早期服務業開放的立法宣示、到加入WTO前開放許多服務行業試點的立法、至入世後服務業在法制上的大幅開放,體現隨著中國建立市場經濟的腳步,中國服務業法律體系亦逐漸建立和完整。儘管入世後,中國大刀闊斧的陸續頒布和修訂涉及服務業及服務貿易的法令,但有部份領域的法規處於空白狀態,有部份法規缺乏實施細則及操作的標準與程式,面對不斷出現的新興服務領域,其規範功能效果有限。但法規的不規範和衝突、立法層次低、透明度不高、疊床架屋等問題是中國經濟轉軌必然發生的現象。過渡期結束後,中國應繼續推進壟斷性服務業的改革,除深度涉及國家安全及必須由國家壟斷經營的領域外,應適當放開市場准入限制,引入良性競爭機制。如何將既有法律體系更加以規範化和透明化,減少過去計劃經濟所遺留下來的行政管制色彩,並符合國際經貿的運行規則,無疑是中國服務業對外開放所必須繼續努力的方向。
Following China's economic reform and opening up, its service industry are gradually developing and adapting to the market economy. So far, China’s service industry has transformed from traditional-services-based structure to traditional-and-modern-services-based structure. Being the member of WTO, China's service industry is increasingly opening. The amount of foreign direct investment is surging and the export capacity of services is strengthening as well. Foreign investment into the service sectors usually closely followed the establishment of law system. To develop service industry, it is, in particular, required to build the comprehensive law environment. Before 1992, China has enforced many regulations to declare the opening up of the service industry. Between 1993 and 2000, China has established the initial law system of service industry. After 2001 when China was admitted to WTO, by making a number of laws, the extent of service sectors’ opening up was much wider and deeper. Although China has determined to make law system obey international regulations set up by WTO, there are still some fields of service that are not ruled by law. Even some regulations lack detailed procedures or standards for enforcement. However, the ambiguity, opacity and conflict of law system are inevitable as China's economic transformation. After 2006, China should continue to push forward the reform of monopoly services and loosen the restriction on market access step by step. How to make the existing legal system of service industry more transparent and abide by international rules, and reduce the legacy of the past planned economy are still remain goals for the government of China to accomplish.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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