Title: 大學生的父母依附與愛情關係中的情緒表達衝突:信任的中介效果
Parent attachment and ambivalence over emotion expression in romantic relationship of college students: the mediator effect of trust
Authors: 蘇芳儀
Keywords: 愛情關係;依附;情緒表達衝突;信任;romantic relationship;attachment;ambivalence over emotion expression;trust
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究的目的在於了解大學生對父親以及母親的依附品質對於在愛情關係中情緒表達衝突的影響,並且探討對親密伴侶的信任在此影響性裡的中介效果。本研究以「愛情關係信任量表」、「情緒表達衝突量表」與「父母依附量表」為測量工具,採分層抽樣方式,從臺灣地區抽取12所大專院校,再以班級為單位進行施測,共獲得594位有效樣本,並以Pearson積差相關與階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,以考驗研究假設,其研究結果分述如下:1.女生的父/母依附品質、信任與情緒表達衝突有顯著相關;男生除了父/母依附品質、可預測性信任與情緒壓抑之間沒有顯著相關之外,其餘變項則有顯著相關。2.男生的父親依附品質對情緒反芻有顯著預測力;女生的母親依附品質對情緒反芻/情緒壓抑皆有顯著預測力。3.對男生而言,情感信任在父親依附品質與情緒反芻之間有部分中介效果;對女生而言,可預測性信任、可依賴性信任、情感信任在母親依附品質與情緒反芻/情緒壓抑之間皆有部分中介效果。根據以上研究發現,本研究提出進一步的討論,並提供輔導應用上之建議及未來之研究方向。
With college students as research targets, this research aimed at investigate whether parent attachment could predict the ambivalence over emotion expression in the romantic relationship and the mediator effect of trust toward partners. Employing “Romantic Relationship Trust Scale”, “Ambivalence over Emotion Expressiveness Questionnaire”, and “Parent attachment Scale” as research tools, the researcher used stratified random sampling to select 12 colleges in Taiwan. Surveys were conducted in classes, and 594 effective samples were obtained. The retrieved data was then analyzed with Pearson’s product moment correlation and hierarchical regression analysis to test the research hypotheses. Findings were as follow: 1. For females, the parental attachment quality was significantly correlated with trust and the ambivalence over emotion expression; while for males, except predictability trust was not significantly correlated with emotional suppression, all other variables were significantly correlated. 2. For male, the attachment quality of father had significant predicting power over emotional rumination; while for female, the attachment quality of mother had significant predicting power over both emotional rumination and emotional suppression. 3. For males, affective trust had partial mediation effect between the father attachment quality and emotional rumination; while for females, predictability trust, dependability trust, and affective trust all had partially mediated the relationship between the mother attachment quality, emotional rumination/ emotional suppression. Based on the results stated above, further discussions were presented with suggestion for future applications in counseling and research directions.
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