Title: | Web 2.0國小數學應用題題庫建構與分析 The Construction and Evaluation of a Web 2.0 Elementary School Arithmetic Word Problem Item Bank |
Authors: | 羅運璟 Luo, Yun-Ching 曾憲雄 Tseng, Shian-Shyong 理學院科技與數位學習學程 |
Keywords: | Web 2.0;題庫;國小數學應用題;數位落差;九年一貫課程數學能力指標;Web 2.0;item bank;elementary school arithmetic word problems;digital divide;nine-year coherent mathematics capability index |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在解決現有題庫人力不足無法維護題庫及新增試題的問題,在 Web 2.0時代,以 Web 為平台,核心精神為「共享」,使用者提供內容的特性,應用於題庫的可行性。透過KDE實驗室開發的「Web 2.0 國小數學應用題題庫」系統,探討題庫系統如何自動大量增加試題,以解決試題不足的問題。探討國小教師對「Web 2.0 國小數學應用題題庫」的系統使用狀況、功能滿意度、試題分享意願及題庫接受程度。讓國小老師使用後再以問卷調查方式蒐集及分析資料,藉此探究國小老師接受的程度,以及未來進一步發展的可行性。
為了解系統使用狀況、功能滿意度、題目分享意願及題庫接受程度,老師在使用系統後,填寫「Web 2.0 國小數學應用題題庫建構與分析」教師使用經驗問卷,得到以下結論:教師的數位落差、Web 2.0的使用經驗、系統使用狀況與系統功能滿意度、題目分享意願、Web 2.0 題庫接受程度有正相關。教師們對 Web 2.0 國小數學應用題題庫系統,多抱持正面的肯定。最後根據研究結果提出具體建議、供未來研究者參考。 This study is to explore the Web 2.0 era, using Web as a platform, of which the core spirit is “co-sharing”. The users provided the content features and the viability of applying them to the item bank is being studied. Through the platform of Web 2.0 elementary school arithmetic word problem item bank developed by KDELab, we collected the questionnaires taken by the elementary school teachers after they used this system and then analyzed the data, in order to understand the acceptance of the elementary school teachers toward it and the viability of its further development in the future. The functioning, planning and promoting of the item bank is aimed to serve the users. Since the item bank does not have any problem types and items, we established four problem types first, including quantity relationship, area, ratio, and percentage, as well as how to solve the problems. Each type has twenty items in the bank. Also, we used nine-year coherent mathematics capability index as the classification of problems for teachers’ reference. The software system can analyze basic problems and create new items by re-organizing. At last, by means of the teachers newly-added items mixing with the basic items already established in the item bank, the system can create a large amount of new items. After the teachers used this system, they are asked to fill in the questionnaires to describe their using experience. We collected the data and adopted the independent sample t test, One-Way analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficient to analyze the data. We obtained the following conclusions. The teachers’ digital divide, their formerly using experience of Web 2.0, and the system-using condition have positive correlations with the system function satisfaction, the willingness of sharing items, and the acceptance degrees of Web 2.0 item bank. Also, the teachers hold a positive attitude toward the Web 2.0 elementary school arithmetic word item bank that can help relieve their burden of designing problem sheets. Lastly, based on the research result, the concrete suggestions are provided for future researchers’ reference. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/43936 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |