Title: | 族際通婚與文化復振運動對族群認同的可能影響:以三義鄉鯉魚潭村五位族際通婚者之生命史為核心的探索 The Possible Influence of Intermarriage and Cultural Revival on Ethnic Identity:A Life History Approach to Five Intermarried Individuals in Liyutan Village, Sanyi Township |
Authors: | 林喬苑 許維德 客家文化學院客家社會與文化學程 |
Keywords: | 族群認同;族際通婚;文化復振;巴宰族;三義鄉;ethnic identity;intermarriage;cultural revival;Pazel;Sanyi Township |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 本研究主要的目的在於探討三義鄉鯉魚潭村五位族際通婚者在族際通婚與文化復振運動對認同所產生的交互影響,並分析族群邊界流動的過程。
透過訪談發現,傳統影響族群認同最主要的因素是血緣關係,在早期生命史族群認同的狀態,明顯表現父系的優勢影響,父母的族群類別將會影響著子女的族群認同取向。隨著年齡增長,每位受訪者到了適婚年齡,他們在族際通婚上遇到了一些障礙因素,比如說:汙名化的族群意象、家族內部成員的反對、宗教信仰的差異;反之,也有積極因素促成婚姻,比如說:族群通婚的歷史傳統、當事人的擇偶婚戀選擇、父母的態度和介紹人的中介。通婚之後,語言上的趨同、飲食習慣的接納以及宗教信仰的尊重等因素,這些都導致了族群認同的改變。然而,隨著族群復振運動,讓巴宰人勇於承認自己的身份、認同自己的族群,更明顯地畫分了族群邊界,在定期的宗教集會活動,藉著聚會凝聚群體意識,學習巴宰族語,在教會中的一股內聚力量,更確定自己的族群認同取向,也藉此找回許多祖先的記憶。 The main purpose of this research is to investigate the possible influence of intermarriage and cultural revival on ethnic identity of five intermarried individuals residing in Liyutan Village, Sanyi Township, and to analyze the process of shifting ethnic boundaries. Five intermarried individuals were selected as the respondents for this project. Three men and two women, including one couple, were interviewed to reconstruct their life histories as well as to explore their ethnic identity during different life stages. What barriers did they encounter when they got married? What were the positive factors when they got married? How did they identify themselves after their intermarriage? Whether their ethnic identity was transformed after the emergence of ethnic revival movement? What were the reasons to change their ethnic identity in different life stages? Through interviews, it was found that for their early life stage, the most important and common factor influencing their ethnic identity was the blood relationship. In other words, parents’ ethnicity would affect the children’s ethnic identity. With age, each of the respondents reached a marriageable status and they had encountered some barriers, such as stigma of ethnic image, family members’ opposition, and religious differences; conversely, there were positive factors which contributed to the intermarriage, for example, the historical tradition of ethnic intermarriage, choosing their own spouse in marriage, parental attitudes and appearance of matchmaker. After marriage, the convergence of language, diet adaptation, respect for religious beliefs, and other factors led to changes in ethnic identity. However, with the ethnic revival movements, Pazel strengthened their ethnic identity, and the boundary of their ethnic identity became more and more obvious. Religious gatherings were held regularly and the sense of community was formed through the meetings. Every Pazel family learned their own language in the church, which not only to influence their own ethnic identity, but also to retrieve much ancestral memory. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/44050 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |