Title: 可植入Facebook之網路遊戲平台研究
The study of Facebook-based network game platform
Authors: 吳慈仁
Wu, Tzu Jen
Wu, I-Chen
Keywords: 遊戲平台;動態調整;社交遊戲;臉書;Game platform;Dynamic adjustment;Social game;Facebook
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本篇論文目地為開發出一套適用於Facebook(臉書)下的遊戲開發平台,透過Facebook API與Facebook的社交網路通訊。本平台的目地為開發出具有高彈性、安全性、擴充性、高效能的遊戲平台。讓遊戲開發者透過新增遊戲模組的方式,快速的新增遊戲。本平台採用主從式連線架構,並透過動態偵測主機負載來動態增減服務房間,並透過新增服務主機的方式來擴充遊戲服務人數。
In this thesis we study a network game platform for Facebook applications, and especially to focus on the performance of platform. So, we plan to design a prototype network game platform for Facebook ,use Facebook API Communications with Facebook server. And study its performance in many aspects, such as response time, throughputs, scalability (the number of game servers vs. the number of users) and security, communication performance, and game plugin.
Appears in Collections:Thesis