Title: 應用於防手振之微機電電熱式雙軸致動平台之設計、製作與致動
Design , Fabrication and Actuation of Thermal Actuating XY-stage for Image Stabilization
Authors: 蔡宗穎
Tsai, Tsung-Ying
Chiou, Jin-Chern
Keywords: 防手振;微機電;電熱式;致動器;Image Stabilization;MEMS;Thermal;Actuator
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究主要目的為製作出具承載影像感測器(或微透鏡)功能之微機電電熱式致動平台。採用電阻值為0.02 ohmcm之SOI晶片為材料,依照SOI晶片的分層構造,設計專屬的製程去製作致動平台。首先運用模擬軟體設計致動平台的結構與尺寸,依據模擬結果設計光罩,接著依照製程步驟一一進行,元件製成後,利用MMA(微機電動態分析儀)量測電性、力學與熱學性質,最後完成研究。 電熱式致動平台的設計上,必須依照平台上所要放置的影像感測器(微透鏡)之像素、尺寸、重量等先決條件,去量身訂作:利用事先分析的相關論文,依序制定出需要致動的距離,換算成出力大小,加上”希望致動時的驅動電壓要小、可以得到大位移、可以對致動器作線性控制、有解耦和功能”等综合創新的要求,且將裝置依照功能進行區塊分類,分區進行設計。研究過程中必須考慮裝置的剛性、彈性係數、熱膨脹係數、熱量分佈,以及實際製程上的良率,盡量採用比較成熟的製程技術以提高元件運作的成功率。致動原理會影響後端控制法則的選擇,越複雜的致動裝置必然會用到越複雜的控制法則,在此先考慮單一致動原理,以利後端控制能順利設計。
This research presents a MEMS micro electro - thermal actuating XY-stage fabricated by SOI process, and an image-sensor or a micro-lens can be mounted on this stage. A suitable fabrication process is designed to fabricate the stage in this research. The design-flow, fabrication process and measurements are all shown in the paper. The first step is to survey and set up the specification of the XY-stage. The main goals of this research are smaller device size, lower driving voltage and larger actuating displacement, besides, establishing decoupling function and increasing linearity and controllability are our goals, too. The stiffness, Young’s module, coefficient of thermal expansion and distribution of heat are the important factors which will affect the driving efficiency of the stabilizer, so we will pay most attention on design them. To increase yield, the promotion of fabrication process and design skills are presented in this research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis