Title: 一具有蠕動壁面的管道流分析
Numerical analysis of the flow in a channel with a peristaltic wall
Authors: 郭大慶
Guo, Da-Ching
Tsui, Yeng-Yung
Keywords: 蠕動;數值分析;管道流;蠕動幫浦;peristaltic;numerical analysis;channel flow;peristaltic pump
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究乃利用非結構性移動網格以有限體積法求解一個二維具有蠕動的上管壁的管道流,並探討在上方管壁的蠕動波以不同的振幅比、波數進行變形時與不同的雷諾數和背壓對流場的平均流量所造成的影響,同時經由與他人的實驗數據比較可知,模擬計算的結果與實驗數據之間的差距甚小。而由計算的結果得知不論在高背壓或低背壓的情況下,藉著提高振福比或者波數皆可使得流量的輸出獲得改善與提高。並且在零背壓的情況下,隨著振幅比的提昇則雷諾數對流量的影響幾乎是可以忽略的。另外在固定振幅比的時候,雷諾數在零背壓與低波數的情況下對流量的影響是可以忽略的,但是在高波數的時候流量則穩定的隨雷諾數增加。並且根據計算結果可知,流量與背壓之間是呈線性遞減的關係,流量隨著背壓而減少。
A 2-D channel flow with a peristaltic wall was solved by using unstructured moving grid and Finite Volume method. We calculate the flow when there are several peristaltic waves on the upper wall with different wave number and amplitude ratio under different back pressure and Reynolds number. And by the comparisons of numerical results and the experiments and theory, we found the differences between the numerical results and experiments are very small. In addition, we observed that the average flow rate is increased when we increase the amplitude ratio or wave number, no matter the flow is under a situation of higher back pressure. And note that when the back pressure is zero and the wave number is low, the effects of Reynolds number to average flow rate could be ignored as the amplitude ratio increases and big enough, otherwise the average flow rate is increased with Reynolds number when the wave number is big enough. Also, according to the numerical results, the average flow rate is decreased linearly with back pressure.
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