Title: 影響使用者參與社交遊戲動機之研究 - 以Facebook為例
Motivations of Playing Social Games - an Empirical Investigation of Facebook
Authors: 謝智正
Hsieh, Chih-Cheng
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 社交遊戲;網頁遊戲;Facebook;科技接受模型;社會影響;Social game;Web game;Facebook;Technology Acceptance Model (TAM);Social influence
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 隨著Facebook的快速發展及龐大的經濟效益,社交遊戲已引起產業及學術界相當的關注,但是過去的研究卻很少探討社交遊戲的使用動機。因此,本研究以修正科技接受模型之觀點,並結合心理因素及社會性因素,探討社交遊戲使用者參與社交遊戲之動機因素。 本研究提出一解釋社交遊戲的行為模式,並經由問卷發放,及統計分析進行驗證以瞭解社交遊戲使用者使用社交遊戲之因素。研究結果顯示,逃離以及娛樂認知與為其參與遊戲意圖之重要因素;除此之外,社交互動性、社會凝聚性亦對社交遊戲使用者參與意圖呈現顯著影響。
With the rapid growing of Facebook and massive game applications on it, social gaming has caused considerable concern in industry and academia. Nevertheless, little is published about what motivate people to play the social games. In response, this thesis proposed a model based on revised technology acceptance model combined with psychological prospects and social influences factors. This thesis proposed an explanation of social game behavior patterns by s survey study. Through an analysis of empirical data, the results showed that escapism and perceived enjoyment have positive effects on the intention of participating in social games. Additionally, social interaction and social cohesion are also important and significant factors to present the behavior intention for playing social games.
Appears in Collections:Thesis