标题: 基于红外线感测器之清洁机器人导航设计
Navigation Design of a Cleaning Robot Using Infrared Sensors
作者: 陈志豪
Chih-Hao Chen
Kai-Tai Song
关键字: 清洁机器人;红外线感测器;导航;控制;完整清洁;Cleaning robot;Infrared sensors;Navigation;Control;Complete coverage
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 导航策略与控制架构是智慧型机器人自主式运动的重要设计项目。近几年来,清洁机器人的导航系统与控制架构的研究逐渐受到重视,如何提供清洁机器人适当的导航策略与控制架构,进而有效率的整体清洁完整地面区域是此研究领域的重点。本论文发展出运用红外线感测装置,在面临墙壁时能自我修正方向,辅助机器人做左右来回移动的机制,并且在房间内使用红外线发射器做标记,运用数位编码讯号,引导机器人记忆移动过后的区域,帮助机器人在室内环境有效率移动,进而达成全区域之清洁任务。
Navigation strategy and control system are important for autonomous mobile robots. In recent years, navigation problem for robot has been an interesting research area. The focus of this thesis is on the development of navigation strategy and control system of a cleaning robot based on infrared sensors. This thesis presents a method of path planning and control of a cleaning robot. An infrared sensor system has been designed and constructed for navigation experiments. When the robot executes back and forth cleaning task for a complete coverage path, the infrared sensors can help robot align the wall that can help robot stay in the designed path. Besides, we setup a landmark which has two- direction infrared signals. Each of them will have different digital code to facilitate robot memorize the cleaned area. Thus the robot can complete the cleaning task efficiently.


  1. 259301.pdf
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  10. 259310.pdf

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