Title: 研究網站經營者如何配置網站廣告空間資源與管理廣告營收
Research on How Website Owner Allocate the Advertising Space and Manage the Website’s Revenue of Online Advertising
Authors: 張嘉玲
Chang, Chia-Ling
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 網路廣告營收;廣告點擊率;瀏覽者對網站的黏度;廣告銷售率;廣告價格;網站類型;Online AD revenue;click through rate;stickiness;Sell-through rate;Online ad price;Property
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 美國民調中心Harris Interactive於2009年調查發現一個新的趨勢,廣告主對於媒體的選擇漸漸遠離傳統的印刷及廣播方式而逐漸朝向數位化形式,在這次調查中發現,這些已經可以接受數位形式廣告的企業主中,有將近四分之三的業者表示將持續加碼網路廣告的投入,所以網路這新興媒體儼然成為目前的新寵兒。 回顧近年有關的網路媒體、網路廣告的文獻多著重在網路使用者的習慣、網頁設計的廣告效果、廣告效果的衡量等,但卻罕有同時兼顧網路使用者、廣告主、網站經營者黃金三方之最大效益進行研究,但這卻是實務上,身為網路經營者所面臨的困境;本研究取得三年某知名入口網站後台管理資料,資料期間:95年1月~ 97年12月,共36個月,為月資料,網站中共有19個頻道,並將依其頻道屬性分為三類:資訊類、娛樂類、消費類做討論,期望透過在龐大資料庫中找出其隱藏的脈絡,依實務上網路生態鏈三者彼此環環相扣的影響背後邏輯,發展本研究架構的三方向,方向一為網站經營者最直接關切的問題影響網路廣告營收為何;方向二為網站經營者在廣告經營模式中,廣告的銷售量與網站的流量的消長關係為何,更深入探討不同的類型網站頻道的情況;方向三消費者的瀏覽行為是否成功轉換為點擊率,做為吸引廣告主投資標的指標,做三方向同時一起考量,故採用SEM線性結構關係模式,探究彼此間的因果關係。 現今點擊率越趨低迷的情況下,加上研究結果更顯示點擊率無法對網站營收造成 顯著的影響,所以點擊率指標不在適當做為管理與經營網站營收的因子,也不適合吸引廣告主投資的依據以及衡量廣告效果的表現了。取而代之地,建議,還有其他更重要的衡量指標像是瀏覽者在網站的瀏覽行為與態度代替之,即本研究探討的X1瀏覽者對網站的黏度因子,的確也符合實務上的操作,瀏覽者對網站的態度越好,流量就越大,研究結果也顯示這對於網站的營收也有正向的影響。另外,研究方向二為本研究另一項重要探討,就是網站經營者如何配置各頻道類型的廣告量才不會削減瀏覽者對網站的吸引力即黏度。其中,更得到證實,在消費類屬性的網站頻道下,廣告銷售率越多對於瀏覽者對網站的黏度不減反增,在消費類屬性網站的瀏覽者反而是不趨避廣告。本研究得出這些重要結果為管理與經營一網站的資訊,並提供了網站經營者未來管理整體全網站的一套準則方案的參考。
Harris Interactive which is American Poll Institute found a new trend that advertiser put more efforts toward digital media gradually,also displayed almost three-forthes advertisers will be willing to continue investing the internet advertising,so the internet of new media is hot topic nowadays. Looking back on the thesis about the internet advertisng,we found lots of thesises empasised on the browsers’behavior、the format of the website display and measurement of the internet advertsing effects, but seldom refered to the internet business model including three main roles : website manager、browsers and advertisers. Therefore, our research focus on the dilemma that website manager faced between browsers and advertisers. We developed three aspects to discuss.One is what factors influence the website of advertisng revenue. The second is under the adversing- supported website,what is the trade-off direction between the advertisng sales and the browser’s attitude toward the website,that’s the stickiness we talked about here. In depth, discuss different channel situations.The third is that will the click-throught- rate be a valid metric attracting advertisers’ investment. And,we got a popular portal site database of 36 monthes,which include 19 channels. Here we classified into three types : information 、entertainment、shopping. Based on the pratical internet of business environment ,we use the SEM method to analyse the three situation at the same time. We found click-through rate can not be fit predictor for advertising revenue. We think there are more vital mertic instead. Such as the attitude of the browser,here is the browser’s stickiness toward the website. Another is that under the shopping channel, the more the advertising space sell, the more stickiness the browser had.We got these results offers website manager useful information for reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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