Title: 以網路為中心之異質無線網路資源管理
Network-centric Radio Resource Management for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Authors: 王振亹
Wang, Chen-Wei
Tsao, Shiao-Li
Keywords: 異質無線網路;資源管理;Heterogeneous Wireless Networks;Radio Resource Management
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 隨著近年來各種無線技術蓬勃發展以及各種無線基地台佈建,相信未來的無線網路環境是以網際網路整合各種無線網路技術的異質無線網路環境。另一方面,隨著多模裝置的普及,使用者可以透過多種無線存取介面存取網路資源。因此,在異質無線網路環境下,如何幫助使用者選擇正確無線網路技術,使得無線網路資源得以被有效利用,成為一個重要問題。本論文提出一個適用於異質無線網路的無線資源管理演算法,此演算法藉由將部分無線資源重新分配,使的新使用者可以順利加入系統,以提升整體無線網路使用率。我們將演算法實做於Qualnet 網路模擬器中,實驗結果證明本論文所提出的無線資源管理機制能有效提升整體網路資源使用率。
The development of new wireless network technologies grows rapidly in recent several years, and these heterogeneous wireless systems are co-existing to provide ubiquitous Internet accesses. Meanwhile, a mobile station (MS) with multiple wireless interfaces has become increasingly popular, and they can use more than one radio access technology (RAT) at the same time. Therefore, it becomes a critical problem to allocate the heterogeneous wireless resources to MSs with single or multiple wireless interfaces so that the heterogeneous radio resources can be fully utilized. In this work, we propose load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous wireless networks. The algorithm rearranges the MSs betweens BSs in order to spare enough resource to accept new requests. The simulation results show that the reject rate of new incoming MSs can be significantly reduced by employing the proposed scheme.
Appears in Collections:Thesis