Title: 交通部公路工程採購決標方式之探討
Investigation of Bid Awarding Methods in Highway Construction Projects of MOTC
Authors: 鍾立德
Chung, Li-Te
Wang, Wei-Chih
Keywords: 公路工程;最低標;最有利標;異質採購最低標;統包;Highway Construction Project;Lowest Bid;Most Advantageous Bid;Lowest Bid in the Procurement of Different Quality Subjects;Turn-Key
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 最低標仍為目前公共工程最常採用之決標方式,惟其易產生廠商低價搶標現象,且可能因得標價格過低,發生偷工減料或廠商刻意興訟以獲得補償等問題,嚴重影響公共工程之形象,雖政府已針對標價偏低廠商增訂相關處理方式(例如不決標),惟主辦機關為避免爭議或對於相關條文內容不熟悉,因此於實務上較少採用。 參考過去歷史資訊瞭解,交通部尚無工程採購決標方式之統計資料,本研究針對交通部94 年至98 年,5000 萬以上之工程標案(共計521 件),透過個案研究及專家訪談等方式,分析其採用或不採用最低標之原因,此外亦詳細探討目前有利於提升選商品質或執行績效之政府採購規定,期提供主辦機關未來執行最低標時,可配合其他輔助機制,提升選商品質及效益。 研究結果顯示,97.5%交通部之主要工程,採最低標決標,其中公路工程占最大宗(約37.81%),主要為公路工程之異質性較低,由不同廠商承攬尚無明顯差異,並無就不同廠商投標標的之技術、品質、功能、商業條款或價格等項目作綜合評選以評定最有利標之需要,且主辦機關為減少爭議所致;至於2.5%採用最有利標決標之個案,則多為異質性高之建築工程。 在機關採最低標決策時,可搭配以下輔助機制:1.於合約中明訂履約期限與提前竣工獎勵及延後竣工違約金條款2.搭配標價減價、底價加價方式,評定廠商標價之高低序位後取最低標決標3.參考國外造價工期競標法等創新競標制度;或可酌予提高工程之異質性,採異質採購最低標決標方式辦理,以上皆有利於提升選商之品質。另可考量將一定規模之路段以統包方式搭配最有利標辦理,藉以改善傳統發包採購之缺點。
Though the government has additionally stipulated with related measures of administration with regard to firms offering overtly low bidding price with (such as not awarding the contract to such bidder), the competent authority has, however, hardly resort to it to avoid dispute or because they are not familiar with content of the relevant articles. This study would focus on more than 50 million of engineering tenders (a total of 521 cases) of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) from 2005 to 2009 and make use of case study and expert interview to analyze the reasons why they have either resorted or not resorted to the Lowest Bid. In addition, it would also investigate in detail government procurement regulations that are beneficial to merchandise selection or implementation of performance as it would hope to enhance merchandise quality or implementation performance in working with other auxiliary mechanism when the competent authority implements bid with the Lowest Bid in the future. As is indicated from research results, 97.5% of the major construction works of MOTC have resorted to award Bid with the lowest bidding price, while Highway Construction Projects amount the greatest portion (totaling about 37.81%), and the main reason is that the Different Quality of highway project is relatively lower, and the competent authority has worked to reduce controversy. As for the remaining 2.5% cases that employed the Most Advantageous Bid, which are mostly highly Different Quality construction works. In terms of auxiliary mechanism, when authority is to employ lowest bidding price, it can stipulate articles as contract schedule, incentive with earlier completion of work, and penalty fine for delayed completion of work in the contract. On the other hand, the competent authority can, to some extent, consider enhancing Different Quality of the construction work at its discretion, and resort to Lowest Bid in the Procurement of Different Quality Subjects as it benefits enhancing the merchandise quality. Most of all, the competent authority can, as well, make use of Turn-Key for a road section of certain scale to cope with Most Advantageous Bid for administration so as to improve defects of conventional out-contract and procurement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis