Title: 多執行緒軟體開發框架之設計與實作
Design and Implement of a Multi-thread Software Framework
Authors: 楊凱能
Yang, Kai-Neng
Lin, Yi-Bing
Gan, Chai-Hien
Keywords: 多核心處理器;多執行緒;模組化程式設計;multi-core processor;multi-thread;modular programming
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 多核心處理器 (Multi-Core Processor)為目前中央處理器 (CPU) 主要的發展趨勢,但是一般單執行緒 (Single thread) 的程式無法發揮多核心處理器的效能。多執行緒 (Multi-thread) 的程式來可以解決這個問題,不過多執行緒程式的設計卻複雜又耗時,並且不易偵錯。因此,本論文設計並實作一個可供模組化程式開發 (modular programming) 的訊息交換框架 (Message-based Framework - MBF),以降低多執行緒程式開發的複雜度,並使程式的開發易於多人分工。在本論文中詳細描述MBF的設計方式,以及說明如何利用MBF來開發應用程式。論文最後測試MBF以多執緒模式運作時相較單執緒模式的效能提升,並針對MBF所提供的計時器 (Timer) 做準確度的測試。經由實驗證明,MBF確實能以多執行緒的方式使程式的效能提升 (Speedup) 接近於處理器核心的數目,並且提供了誤差極低的計時功能。
Multi-Core Processor is the current trend of CPU design. However, a traditional single thread program cannot use all cores in a CPU chip at the same time. Using a multi-thread program is a better way to gain more performance at a multi-core processor. An essential issue is that the design process of a multi-thread program is more complex. Thus, we design and implement a message-based framework (MBF) to solve this problem. MBF also provides a modular programming environment for reducing program development time. In this thesis, we introduce MBF and how to use MBF to develop a multi-thread program. Finally, we present the performance of MBF.
Appears in Collections:Thesis