Title: 以ICA演算法為基礎之非接觸式多接收器生理訊號感測系統開發
The Development of ICA-based Non-contact Multi-receiver Physiological Sensing System
Authors: 張臨淵
Chang, Lin-Yuan
Chiou, Jin-Chern
Keywords: 獨立成份分析;單發多收系統;生理訊號;雷達系統;都卜勒;ICA;SIMO;vital signal;Radar system;Doppler
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在本研究之中,提出了新式非接觸感測技術作為量測生理訊號的平台,以獨特的SIMO收發系統以及ICA演算法架構建構一套生理訊號感測系統,解決了傳統電極式感測器所帶來的不便與電極硬化、接觸不良的問題,改善傳統方法繁瑣複雜的測量流程。 傳統電極的測量方法,受限於固定式軟性電極導線的長度和電極的黏附方法,受測者無法在受測當中移動身體或是改變身體的角度,這將會限制測量時的運動狀態。新式SIMO無線感測技術可以避免受測物改變姿態所造成的導線拉扯及接觸不良。以ICA為主體的生理訊號演算法,不但可以同時分析出多個不同的訊號源,也提供了相較於單接收雷達系統更為準確的生理訊號資訊,以供輔助醫療診斷之用。 本研究之貢獻在於開發完整的多接收器無線生理訊號感測系統,從測量核心至分析工具,使用了新式測量概念和後端分析技術,減少了對受測者的運動限制,增加了使用的便利性和準確性。
In this study, he proposed a new wireless technology as a platform for measuring the physiological signals. Using the radar system, unique transmission conception and analysis algorithm, he constructed a physiological signal sensing system to solve the problems which traditional one might have. The problems including discomfort caused by hardened electrodes, loose contact, and limitation of movement. He provided a much comfortable environment for the subjects, rather than restricted the traditional method might have. The traditional method of electrode measurement is restricted to a fixed carrier and electrode adhesion method, the subjects are unable to move the body or change the angle of the body while measuring, which will limit the posture of movement. New wireless sensing technology could avoid the artifact caused by changing states. The algorithm, ICA, not only could detect different source signals from the chest, but provided accurate signal analysis which can be used in medical diagnosis aid. Contribution of this research lies in developing complete wireless physiological monitoring sensor system. Using the new measuring concepts, it could reduce the limitation, and increase the ease of use.
Appears in Collections:Thesis