Title: 單邊規格多品質特性製程之抽樣計畫
Product Acceptance Sampling Plan for One-Sided Processes with Multiple Characteristics
Authors: 高君敏
Kao, Chun-Min
Pearn, Wen-Lea
Hung, Hui-Nien
Keywords: 允收抽樣計劃;製程能力指標;製程良率;多品質特性;允收臨界值;Acceptance sampling plan;Process capability;Yield;Multiple characteristics;Critical acceptance values
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 允收抽樣計劃在統計品質管制裡,常被用來提供消費者和生產者在簽訂產品品質契約時,品質保證應用的實務工具。隨著製造技術的發展,生產者只容許極低不良率產品發生。根據現今的品質改善理論,產品製程良率涉及一種以上之品質特性必須被考慮的,因此本研究提出了製程能力指標Cpu^T的允收抽樣計劃來處理在極低不良率下且多品質特性製程之產品允收決策準則。根據不同的生產者風險及消費者風險,我們列出所需抽檢驗的樣本數及產品允收之臨界值,而工程師或實務界可以利用本研究所提出之方法來決定所需檢驗之樣本數及產品允收之臨界值,並做出可靠有效之決策。
In statistical quality control, acceptance sampling plans can be used for quality assurance applications involving quality contract on product orders between producer and consumer. With the rapid advancement of manufacturing technology, producers require their products have high quality with law fraction of defectives in parts per million. In practical, in order to improve the product quality due to the product design, more than one quality characteristic must be simultaneously considered. Hence, in this study, we propose a new sampling plan based on process capability index Cpu^T to deal with product acceptance determination for multiple characteristics and very low fraction of defective. We tabulate the required sample size and the corresponding critical acceptance value for various producer’s risks, the consumer's risks with the capability requirement AQL and LTPD. Practitioners can use the proposed new sampling plan to determine the sample size n and the corresponding critical acceptance value c0 to make reliable decision in product acceptance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis