Title: 綠色消費認知涉入對消費者購買環保型筆記型電腦之消費行為研究-台北市居民為例
A Study on Green Consumption Involvement and Consumer Purchasing Behavior for Green Laptop in Taipei City
Authors: 劉郁雯
Liu, Yu-Wen
Chen, Quang-Hua
Tseng, Fang-Tai
Keywords: 綠色產品;綠色消費認知;綠色筆電;涉入程度;Green product;Green consumption perception;Green laptop;Involvement
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 環境保護議題在這半個世紀以來受到高度的關注,相關綠色產品、新節能科技也正不斷的研發創新,因此環境保護相關議題也成為熱門的學術研究議題。本研究以消費者購買綠色產品為主題,主要探討不同人口統計變數的消費者的綠色消費認知程度的差異,以及其對於綠色產品的購買決策及消費實態的差異,同時也探討消費者的綠色消費認知涉入程度是否影響其購買行為。 本研究主要架構採用Engel, Miniard and Blackwell(1993)發展的EBM消費者決策模型。另外在綠色消費認知涉入變數上,過去並未有一通用標準的量表,因此本研究並參考過去文獻,自行研發綠色消費認知量表,並整理出四個構面:「綠色消費行為」、「綠色知識推廣及國家形象」、「綠色熟悉度」及「整體環境綠色觀念」。共收集402份有效問卷,利用卡方分析、變藝術分析、回歸分析進行檢定。 本研究發現如下:(1)以女性、51歲以上、大專學歷、已婚、每月可支配所得在30,000元以上及從事工業的消費者綠色消費認知程度最高。(2)綠色消費認知程度與消費者對於綠色產品的消費金額有相關,與其購買管道無相關。(3)消費者的性別、教育程度及每月可支配所得在消費金額、購買動機、資訊來源及產品屬性上都有顯著差異。(4)消費者的年齡、婚姻狀況及職業在消費實態、購買動機、資訊來源及產品屬性上有顯著差異。最後,本研究針對上述研究結果,對於綠色產品製造廠商提出行銷建議。
Environment protection issues have been discussed a lot in half a century. A variety of green products and new energy-saving technologies come out after another. This paper focuses on consumers’ green consumption involvement and purchasing behavior for green laptop, and hopes to understand how demographic factors and green consumption involvement influence consumers’ purchasing behavior. This paper adopts EBM model developed by Engel, Miniard and Blackwell in 1993. Besides, this paper consults and sums up relevant materials to develope a green consumption involvement scale, which includes four components,“green consumption,” “green knolowedge promotion and country image,” “familiar with green issue,”and “conception of the whole environment.” There are 402 valid samples. We test our hypothses by Chi-square Test、Variance Analysis and Hierarchical Regression Analysis. The following are this paper’s empirical findings: (1)Females, older than 50 years old, bachelor degree, married consumer, monthly disposable income more than NT$ 30,000, and industrial employees have the hightest green consumption perception. (2) Green consumption perception does impact consumers’ actual consumption, but has no effect on purchase channel choice. (3)Consumers’ gender, education, and amount of monthly disposable income have a significant impact on consumers’ actual consumption, purchase motivation, information search, and product attribute. (4) Consumers’ age, marital status, and occupation have a significant impact on consumers’ actual consumption, purchase channel choice, purchase motivation, information search, and product attribute. Finally, acrodding to the above finding, this paper provides some practical suggestion to green product manufactures.
Appears in Collections:Thesis