Title: 品牌訊息置入戲劇之策略與效果研究
Brand placements strategy and its effects
Authors: 陳品君
Chen, Pin-Chun
Lin, Hui-Fei
Keywords: 置入性行銷;單純曝光效果;情節連結度;偶像劇;Brand placement;Mere exposure effect;Plot connection;Drama
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 中文摘要 本研究旨在釐清不同「品牌置入策略」與「品牌置入廣告效果」之間的對應關係,並試圖整理與歸納行銷業者常使用的品牌置入策略與執行流程。研究中將品牌置入策略分為曝光次數和情節連結度兩組次概念,而品牌置入的效果則是以自發性回憶度、再認和品牌態度與購買意圖為衡量指標。曝光次數依據置入訊息出現的頻率,區分為暴露次數多與暴露次數少兩種呈現方式;而情節連結度是指品牌和劇情的關連性,並依品牌和劇情的關係區分為高情節置入與低情節置入兩種類型。 本研究採用實驗法,將台灣偶像劇「花樣少年少女」中的品牌置入作為實驗刺激,總共95位學生為樣本,並輔以深度訪談法訪問製作人、電視公司主管、編劇、置入廠商共10名受訪者。實驗法所得結果發現,曝光次數與情節連結度在廣告效果上均有顯著的影響。曝光次數高與情節連結度高的置入品牌的廣告效果,明顯高於曝光次數低與情節連結度低的品牌。此外,曝光次數與情節連結度在品牌態度上有交互作用,在行為意圖上則無交互作用。 而深度訪談的結果顯示品牌訊息的置入可分成三個階段,分別為故事發想階段、劇本撰寫初期、上映播出時期。在台灣的偶像劇普遍在故事發想階段與劇本撰寫初期尌已談妥置入方式,而八點檔的置入普遍則是在上映播出時期才陸續有廠商贊助。分析結果亦顯示,提高品牌訊息曝光次數,是多數受訪者均表示常使用來提高產品認知,而情節置入策略的執行則須在故事發想時期、劇本撰寫初期先行規劃,此時,品牌的涉入度與類別是挑選置入情節策略的主要依據。因此,本研究得出在控制曝光次數下,提高情節連結度對於閱聽眾品牌態度有顯著正向影響,但此置入策略須經過製作人、編劇、電視台行銷業務部門在事前完善的規劃與執行,方能收到良好的成效。
Brand placements strategy and its effects: The influence of exposure times and plot connection on advertising effect 《Abstract》 In this study, we explore the relation between different brand placement strategies and their effects, intending to organize and summarize the commonly-used brand placement strategies and implementation processes. The effects of band placements are measured by free recall, recognition, brand attitude and purchase intention. The brand placement strategies are categorized into two parts: exposure time and plot connection. The former can be classified into high and low exposure times according to the brand message importing frequency. The plot connection corresponds to the connection between brand and the story line, which can be divided into high and low plot connections according to the correlation. We take the Taiwanese idol drama "Hana Kimi" as an experimental stimulus, and 95 students are examined. The in-depth interview method is also employed on 10 interviewees, including producers, television executives and script writers. The results indicate that both the exposure time and the plot connection have significant influence in advertising effect. Higher exposure times and plot connections can result into higher brand advertising effect. Besides, the exposure time and the plot connection have the interaction effect on the brand attitude but not the behavioral intentions. The in-depth interview results show that the brand placement can be divided into three stages: the conceiving stage, script writing stage, and broadcasting stage. The idol dramas have brand placement on the conceiving and script writing stages, while soap dramas have brand placement at the broadcasting stage. The analysis also shows that most marketing interviewees improve product awareness by increasing the brand exposure time, and the plot connection strategies have to be planned at the conceiving and script writing stages. Brand involvement and type are the main criteria deciding the level of plot-connection strategy. We find that increasing the extent of plot connection when the exposure time is controlled has significantly positive effect on brand attitude. However, a comprehensive plan must have been well prepared before execution if marketing personnel want to receive good effect from the plot connection strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis