Title: | 以概念與知覺促發探討產品置入對內隱記憶的影響 The effect of product placement to implicit memory:from the perspective of conceptual priming and perceptual priming |
Authors: | 張婷華 Chang, Ting-Hua 陶振超 Tao, Chen-Chao 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 促發效果;內隱記憶;產品置入;Product placement;Implicit memory;Perceptual priming;Conceptual priming |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 產品置入為廣告主行銷產品的主要管道,「哪一種產品置入形式效果最好?」即為業者最為關注的議題。但影響產品置入效果的因素眾多紛雜眾多,過去研究並未清楚說明置入如何產生效果。另一方面,產品置入較為隱諱、間接的行銷方式,使其效果不如傳統廣告般容易測量。據此,「如何產生效果」和「正確測量方法」成為研究產品置入的核心議題。
本研究援引心理學領域內隱記憶、促發效果(priming effect)觀點說明產品置入如何影響觀眾,並以知覺促發和概念促發作為產品置入分類架構。最後,運用正確的內隱記憶測量方式檢視知覺促發、概念促發兩種不同形式的置入,比較其記憶效果差異。為確實了解觀眾觀看產品置入時的注意力分佈,本研究以眼動追蹤技術作為輔助指標。
本研究檢驗概念促發、知覺促發兩個自變項,對內隱記憶表現(類別聯想、殘圖辨識)及眼球運動(凝視時間、凝視次數)四個應變項的影響。實驗結果發現:一、概念促發型置入較易形成外顯記憶:高、低概念促發的內隱記憶表現沒有差異,但高概念促發型置入的類別聯想外顯記憶顯著高於低概念促發組。而高概念促發型置入的凝視次數、凝視時間也顯著高於低概念促發型的置入。顯示產品置入與劇情的相關程度愈高,愈容易使觀眾直接注意,致使外顯記憶表現較佳。二、知覺促發型置入較易形成內隱記憶:高知覺促發組的殘圖辨識內隱記憶顯著高於低知覺促發組,但高、低知覺促發的外顯記憶沒有顯著差異。而高、低知覺促發的眼動指標亦無差異,顯示觀眾觀看偶像劇時不會直接注意到與劇情無關者,較偏向形成內隱記憶。三、產品置入可分為概念促發、知覺促發兩種形式:實驗二a、b顯示,不同的形式之產品置入確實引發不同的心理處理機制,因而產生不同置入效果。 Product placement as a way for marketing products, all marketers follow with interest— “what kind of product placement works ?” Although there’re tons of marketing studies about product placement, there’s still no theoretical framework to explain why does product placement has affect. In addition, product placement as a more indirect and subtle way, it’s hard to measure it correctly. Hence, current study try to cite the concept “implicit memory” and “ priming effect” to explicate how product placement works, and separate different kinds of placement into two category—perceptual priming and conceptual priming. Then, measure them with the correct implicit measurement, to clear up which kind of placement can really work, with eye tracking technology, to understand how do we deploy our attention when watching product placement. The results indicate four points, first, product placement could separate into two types—conceptual priming placement and perceptual priming placement. Second, conceptual priming placement tend to influence explicit memory: there‘s no difference between the implicit memory performance of high or low conceptual priming placement, but the category association explicit memory of high conceptual priming group is significantly higher than low conceptual priming group. Third, perceptual priming placement tend to influence implicit memory: the picture fragment identification implicit memory of high perceptual priming group is significantly higher than low perceptual priming group, but there‘s no difference between the explicit memory performance of high or low perceptual priming placement. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48132 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |