Title: 應用限制理論需求拉動補貨於IC設計公司之庫存管理--- 以H公司為例
Applying TOC Demand-Pull Replenishment in Improving the Inventory Management for an IC Design House - A Case Study on Company H
Authors: 洪淑惠
Hung, Shu-Hui
Chang, Yung-Chia
Keywords: 限制理論;推拉式生產;動態緩衝管理;Theory of Constraints;Demand-pull;Dynamic Buffer Management
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 台灣IC產業歷經數十年光景,由於科技發展迅速與市場競爭激烈,造就IC產品較短之生命週期與景氣震幅,IC設計產業之密集度很高,全球排名第二,僅次於美國的矽谷。IC 產業上、下游依序可分為IC設計業、IC晶圓製造、IC測試及封裝業及電子產品組裝業,因此發展出密集而完整之產業供應鏈生態。IC設計業在所有製程皆委外的情況下,為了趕上切入市場的時機,以需求預測的備貨模式,導致整體供應鏈放大需求而產生長鞭效應,當景氣迅速變差而需求大減時,庫存無法消耗,造成過多不適當的庫存與增加製造成本。本研究以限制理論為基礎,以需求拉動補貨的供貨方式,應用動態目標庫存管理,並以「拉式」的存貨管理模式取代原以需求預測及推式生產的備貨模式。透過理論的探討與實際資料的驗證模擬及改善IC設計產業備貨控管方式,避免不必要的庫存造成資金積壓,並探討整體供應鏈庫存的改善,以降低生產週期時間,提升IC產業之競爭力。
As a result of rapid development of technology and intensive competition of market, Taiwan IC industry has its products with short life and business cycles after few decades. IC industry includes IC design, wafer fabrication, IC package , IC test and assembly of electronic product in order of upper to lower stream.It has developed a high dense and complete ecology of supply chain in Taiwan during few decades;moreover, Taiwan has 2nd high density of IC design house all over the world and is only next to Silicon Valley. In order to catch up the timing of opportunities of market, fabless IC design house plans replenishment by demand forecasting. It causes Bullwhip Effect because entire supply chain magnifies the demands.Oppositely, when the market is rapidly too worst to reduce demands, manufacturing cost and volumes of inappropriate inventory will be increased by less consumption of inventory. Based on TOC(Theory of Constraints), this research applies the dynamic inventory management by the way of Demand-Pull replenishment and applies pull inventory management module instead of demand forecasting and push-based replenishment module.To avoid financial pressure casued by unnecessary inventory,this research offers the method not only to improve replenishment of IC design house by discussions of the theories and verifing simulated results of real data, but also discuss how to reduce the life cycles of manufacture and make more competitive in IC industry by improving entire inventory of supply chain.
Appears in Collections:Thesis