Title: 團隊互動過程、自我效能及團隊滿意度間之關係研究
The Relationships among Team Social Interaction Process,Role-Breadth Self-Efficacy and Team Satisfaction
Authors: 陳伯陽
Chen, Pei-Hua
Keywords: 自我效能;團隊互動過程;團隊滿意度;role-breadth self-efficacy;social interaction process;team satisfaction;team experience
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文係團隊互動過程、自我效能及團隊滿意度間之關係研究.作者針對所收集到的69位同學問卷結果,透過ANOVA分析得到個人的過去工作經驗與團隊的互動過程對於個人的自我效能有明顯影響.然而對於團隊工作的滿意度而言,只有團隊互動過程有影響,個人的過去工作經驗則沒有關聯.
This study examined the effects of perception of past team experience, role-breadth self-efficacy, and satisfaction along with the moderating influence of team social interaction process activities. It was hypothesized that the relationship between the perception of past team experience and role-breadth self-efficacy and the relationship between the perception of past team experience and the team satisfaction for team members would be differentially affected by the team social interaction process activities. Data was gathered by the authors at two time phases during and after the project. A total of 68 out of 96 students in a simulation game at a Marketing course in a university in Taiwan successfully completed one questionnaire that assessed role-breadth self-efficacy, team satisfaction and social interaction process activities. Another questionnaire that assessed the perception of past team experience was distributed to the same group of participants completed two months later. The results of two-way factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that both the perception of past team experience and team social interaction process activities were related to student’s role-breadth self-efficacy. Team social interaction process activities also moderated the effect of the perception of past team experience on role-breadth self-efficacy. However, the findings further revealed that only team social interaction process activities were positively related to individual levels of team satisfaction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis