Title: 中國奢侈品電子商務經營模式之探討: 以呼哈網的成功經驗為例
An Online Business Model for Luxury Goods: Case Study of WOOHA.com in China
Authors: 黃士銘
Han, Anthony F.
Keywords: 奢侈品;電子商務;經營模式;網際網路;Luxury Goods;E-Commerce;Business Model;Internet
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在過去幾年全球遭受經濟風暴摧殘之際,幾乎所有的產業及市場都面臨大幅度的衰退,當然,奢品行業也無法倖免。然而,這段時間內中國奢侈品市場卻呈現了逆勢大幅成長的情況,奢侈品需求每年快速地激增,帶給了全球所有奢侈品業者一線希望。根據世界奢侈品協會最新關於中國奢侈品市場的調查,2010年的消費總金額高達107億美金,已超越美國、成為僅次於日本的全球第二大奢侈品消費市場。 本研究主要探討快速崛起的中國,在逐漸富有之後,民眾對於奢侈品的消費心態。在女性消費力日漸增加之後,各大品牌慢慢將銷售目標移往這群年輕富有的中國女性身上。二三線城市的興起,也替業者開創了另一個新的戰場,這些城市的驚人消費實力給了業者莫大的希望與鼓舞;然而卻也因為拓展速度不如預期,使得這些地方的消費者轉而尋求其他管道,因此奢侈品網購在中國日漸流行。但是如何讓消費者能購買得安心卻也成了經營奢侈品網購的業者一個非常重要的課題;如何提供更多更新的產品給消費者也關係到消費者的購買意願。因此,藉由案例公司的經營模式的分析與探討,來了解目前大陸的奢侈品網購業者是如何成功地經營。根據分析結果,可得知成功因素如下: (1)以品牌導向為主,透過虛擬通路及時地滿足了二三級消費者對於奢侈品急速激增的需求,更鎖定富有的中國年輕白領上班族女性為主要客群。 (2)提供消費者多樣化的品牌與產品,並協助業者對消費者進行品牌教育,使消費者更了解到產品的真正價值,並提高該品牌在中國市場的能見度及認同,也協助品牌業者發掘到真正具有潛力的市場,達到互信雙贏的地步。 (3)不單是產品本身的奢華感,更讓消費者有機會實際體驗到品牌所創造出的奢華氛圍以及享受到高貴尊崇的禮遇和服務。 (4)透過完整的售後服務與安全機制,保證產品的真實性及保障消費者購買權益,充分贏得消費者的信任。
Luxury goods are always fascinating. When the worldwide economy suffered from the recession of the past few years, the luxury market was also affected, however the Chinese market was undisturbed by this. It is reported that the wealthy Chinese spent USD 8.6, 9.4 and 10.7 billion respectively on all kinds of luxury products in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Nowadays, China has become the second largest luxury consumer in the world following Japan. With the increase of female consumption power, luxury brands aim at the Chinese newly affluent women. Besides, the emerging tier 2 and 3 cities have become a new battleground for all luxury retailers due to the great potential of luxury consumption. However, luxury retailer's business expansion to smaller cities was less than expected so some consumers turned their attention to the virtual channel. Thus, many online luxury retailers appeared and began to gain popularity, promptly satisfying the customers’ needs. This study is aimed at analyzing the business model of online luxury retailers and identifying key successful factors of this business. One case company, WOOHA.com, a leading online retailer of hi-end fashion in China, was selected. The business model were divided into 9 parts for discussion. The specific customer segments, explicit value proposition, good customer relationships, important resources, critical activities, and reliable partners can be regarded as the key to strongly support the case company’s operation. Therefore, four key successful factors also can be identified based on the analysis: (1) Focusing on the niche market (2) Providing diversified on-season products and brand education to customers (3) Extending luxurious experience to real life (4) Winning the trust of customers
Appears in Collections:Thesis