Title: | 未注意車前狀況之事故與公路交通幾何特性關聯性研究 The Relationship between Inattentive Crashes and Highway Geometry and Traffic |
Authors: | 陳冠旭 Chen, Kuan-Hsu 吳宗修 T. Hugh Woo 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 未注意車前狀況事故;公路幾何設計;交通量;Inattentive driving;Highway Geometry;Traffic Flow |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 道路交通事故的發生常因不良駕駛行為所致,而導致此類事故發生的原因部份是因未注意車前狀況所造成,其危險性及不良影響對社會帶來嚴重的成本,而未注意車前狀況又與分心駕駛、疲勞駕駛極為相似。過往研究指出三者特徵均有注意力分散、警覺性降低之情形,故彼此關係密不可分。我國對疲勞駕駛的取締標準為連續駕車超過八小時,然台灣國土面積狹小且法令對於連續休息時間無相關規定,故難以藉此判定事故發生之肇因為疲勞駕駛;甚且要捕捉駕駛者注意力渙散的一瞬間有其困難度,亦難以判定是否確為分心駕駛事故。公路幾何設計為駕駛環境一部份,事故發生必與駕駛環境有關,本研究蒐集國道一號高速公路2008至2010年「未注意車前狀況」、「未保持安全距離間隔」之交通事故共1353件,輔以交通流量資料、公路幾何設計資料,以路段坡度、路段曲率半徑、路段交通量、重車比例等為事故影響因素,將各事故影響因素作單因子變異數分析。研究結果顯示四個因素均對未注意車前狀況駕駛事故有顯著影響,且路段交通量愈高、路段重車比例介於20±5%時、路段坡度介於-4.0%~-4.9%時、曲率半徑愈大或愈小時,其平均事故件數有顯著較多的趨勢。 Road traffic accidents are often caused by dangerous driving behaviors, among which inattentive driving is most likely in many occasions. Previous studies have pointed out that inattentive driving, distracted driving, and fatigue driving are very similar for the characteristics of decreased attention and alertness. In Taiwan, the legal standard of fatigue for continuous driving is eight hours. Narrow land area and the lack of enforcement make it difficult to confirm whether accidents are caused by fatigue driving. It is also rough to determine whether accidents are caused by distracted driving due to the difficulty of catching decreased attention. In this study, inattentive driving is considered as failure to maintain safe distance and interval while driving, as these items are identified and recorded on the police crash reports. There are 1353 cases on National Sun Yat-Sen Freeway during 2008-2010 periods. Factors considered are traffic flow, heavy vehicle ratio, road slope and radius of curvature. One-way ANOVA was conducted, and the results show that all factors have significant impact on inattentive driving crashes. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50044 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |