标题: | 中国股权分置改革对企业会计师选任之影响 The Influence of Share-trading Reform on Auditor Choice : Evidence from China |
作者: | 王琬婷 Wan-Ting Wang 林孝伦 Hsiao-Lun Lin 财务金融研究所 |
关键字: | 股权分置改革;审计品质;流通股比率;Share-trading Reform;Audit Quality;Ratio of Outstanding Shares |
公开日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 本文之研究主要探讨中国在2005年启动股权分置改革之后,随着非流通股逐渐转换为流通股,在流通股比率逐年上升的情形下,从公司股权结构与股权流动性的变化,来探讨是否会对企业会计师之选择产生影响,以及股权分置改革显着影响公司决策的时间点。 研究期间为2004年至2009年,以中国这段期间在上海交易所与深圳交易所挂牌上市的主板公司作为研究样本,总共6,788家上市公司,并分析前期与本期流通股比率上升,是否会使企业在会计师选择的决策上倾向聘任高审计品质之会计师,而会计师之审计品质以每年度由中国注册会计师协会所排名之前十大会计师事务所来衡量。实证结果显示,随着前期与本期流通股比率的上升,的确对于企业在会计师的选择上产生显着影响,而且是倾向聘任高审计品质的会计师来为公司作财务签证。此外,股权分置改革之后,流通股比率从2007年起逐渐对企业在选任会计师上的决策产生显着影响,且随着流通股比率越大,企业会更倾向聘任高品质的会计师。 This study focuses on the share-trading reform of China in 2005. The share-trading reform means that the non-tradable shares convert into tradable ones gradually. This study focuses on the influence of share-trading reform on auditor choice when the ratio of outstanding shares increases year after year. Based on the firms listed in the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges from 2004 to 2009, this study analyzes that whether the enterprise chooses its accountant with higher audit quality as the ratio of outstanding shares rises both on the last year and the current year. The audit quality is measured with the annual ranking of the top 10 CPA firms. The result shows that as the ratio of outstanding shares rises both on the last year and the current year, it indeed significantly affects the auditor choices of the enterprise and it in fact chooses its accountant with higher audit quality. In addition, from 2007, the ratio of outstanding shares significantly affects the auditor choices of the enterprise year by year. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50305 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |