Title: 新產品開發損益模式之研究-以大尺吋電視為例
The Study of Success and Failure Model of New Product Development- Case Study of Large-size Flat TV
Authors: 曾世憲
Tseng, Shih-hsien
Liu, Chu
Chung, Hui-min
Keywords: 新產品開發流程;新產品創新;產品生命週期;大尺吋平面電視;背投電視;New product development process,;new product innovation;product life cycle;Large-size Flat TV;Rear Projector TV
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 新產品從初步創意想法的篩檢到產品開發設計完成和測試量產上市,整個過程都充滿著許多不確定的影響因素。再者,因為新科技不斷地進步與消費者的需求和喜好的多樣化,造成產品生命週期日漸縮短,而全球性競爭的壓力,更使企業面臨新產品開發頻率不斷增加的挑戰。企業若僅依靠現存市場上的產品,而不投入資源於新產品開發和解决顧客的需求,企業便無法創造本身生存的價值。當產品逐漸衰退或快速地被其他新產品所取代時,企業終將會遭致淘汰的命運。 根據統計,近年來約有 80%的新產品難逃失敗的命運。如何有效地推出成功的新產品,一直是企業最關心的話題。本研究的主要目的是藉由新產品開發成功與失敗的案例,建立新產品開發成功與失敗的模式,觀察大尺吋平面電視的發展趨勢,架構出新產品生命週期和產品開發速度的「時間軸」,供應鏈整合和市場定位的「空間軸」,以及消費者對新產品價值/價格比和產品需求的「產品軸」的三維分析模式找出新產品開發成功與否的關鍵因素,企業經營者若能駕馭市場之趨勢及掌握產品變化的規律,簡化新產品開發成功之「道」,讓企業資源遵循「時間」和「空間」相互融合之道,新產品成功開發的機會就會大幅增加。
There are many uncertainty factors during the new product developing on products concept, designing and testing for mass production. Furthermore, the new technology progressing and the consumer need’s diversification and preferences are compressing the new product life cycle. The global competition continuously increases the frequency of new product development. The enterprises could not survive if there were no resource invested on new product development for solving customers’ needs. The enterprise will extinguish when the product declined or quickly replaced by another new products. There were about 80% failure rate of new product development according to the statistics. How to effectively launch new products is most concerned topic from enterprise views. The main purpose of this thesis is to establish the success and failure mode of new product development by analyzing the trend of large-size flat TV. The contextual framework are on the basis of new product life cycle and development speed - “Time” dimension, supply chain integration and market positioning –“Space” dimension and the consumer’s needs and "value / price ratio" – “Product” dimensions to find the key success factors of new product development. If business managers can harness the trend of the market and rule of product changes and simplify the success law of new product development to follows the law of “Time” and “Space” merging continuously, then the success ratio of new product development will be increase dramatically.
Appears in Collections:Thesis