Title: 利用不同結構之鋁陽極處理膜基板在矽基板上合成奈米碳管
Preparation of Different Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) Templates on Silicon Substrates for the Growth of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)
Authors: 汪砡華
Keywords: 鋁陽極處理膜;奈米碳管;擇區生長;AAO;CNT
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 在本論文研究中,我們在矽基板上生成不同結構、不同孔洞大小之鋁陽極處理基板(AAO),並把孔洞底下的氧化鋁絕緣層均勻去除,使鋁陽極處理基板可應用在既有以矽為基礎的製程上。為了達到在矽基板上控制奈米碳管(CNT)的密度以及擇區生長奈米碳管之目的,提出兩種利用鋁陽極處理膜基板來合成奈米碳管的方法,第一種方法是利用無電鍍鎳擇區鍍覆的特性,利用鋁陽極處理孔洞底下的材料(鋁或矽)與氧化鋁孔洞的選擇比,鍍覆鎳顆粒在孔洞下,以當作催化顆粒合成奈米碳管。第二種方法是利用直接在鋁陽極處理膜與矽基板間,鍍覆一層鎳薄膜以當作催化層來合成奈米碳管。而在擇區生長鋁陽極處理膜方面,提出兩種方法,一種是把鋁薄膜用黃光微影製程蝕刻圖案,之後生長鋁陽極處理膜;另一種是在鋁上面鍍覆一層防止陽極處理的障礙層,同樣用黃光微影製程蝕刻圖案,之後生長鋁陽極處理基板。
Recently, synthesis of CNTs using an anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template has drawn much attention because this method allows precise and reproducible control of the dimension of CNTs. In this study, we extended two types of AAO template methods to the patterned growth of CNTs on a silicon wafer, which is desirable for a direct application to microelectronics, by electroless Ni plating in AAO pores and preparing the layered structure of AAO template on a Ni-coated wafer. The silicon wafer prevents AAO templates from warping and cracking during thermal treatment. For this purpose, three types of AAO templates, [AAO / Al / Si], [AAO / Si], and [AAO / Ni / Si] templates, uniformly without barrier layer at the bottom of the pores were formed. Moreover, for the purpose of controlling CNT density, two pore sizes of AAO were fabricated. In addition, to achieve the goal of growing CNT selectively, we have demonstrated two methods to grow AAO selectively. One is to form aluminum pads before anodization, the other method is to form an anodization barrier pattern before anodization. Based on these techniques, AAO templates would potentially offer much broader application.
Appears in Collections:Thesis