Title: 國小學童在真實情境中學習生態教育之研究-以蝴蝶生態教學為例
Study on Elementary School Students Learning in Realistic Situations of Ecological Education-An Example of Butterfly Ecological Education
Authors: 謝承恩
Sie, Cheng-En
Lee, Jong-Eao
Keywords: 蝴蝶;生態教育;情境教學;Butterfly;Ecological education;Contextual teaching
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究目的是探討在真實情境活動中,進行設計與實施蝴蝶生態教育課程之歷程,並探討教學者在課程教學中遇到的問題與解決的方法,以及學習者在接受教學之後,對蝴蝶的認知和態度是否有所提昇。 研究者以服務學校和社區部落為研究的場域,研究對象為新竹縣尖石鄉某國小的五年級學生27人。在學習活動過程中觀察學習者對蝴蝶生態的興趣、社區部落踏查的發現與學生知識的增長。透過資料的整理和綜合分析,真實情境的學習是否有助於兒童潛能的發揮,去了解學生所表現出來的學習興趣和意願、發現問題和思考問題的能力確實有所提升,而且能表現出發自內心關懷大自然的行為。 整理分析後發現: 1.在真實情境中學習可以提昇學生的興趣與學習意願。 2.在真實環境中進行蝴蝶生態教育,教學者必須暸解可用資源以及蝴蝶的生態概況。 3.實施蝴蝶生態教育,可以提昇學生對於蝴蝶生態方面的知識與傳達的能力。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the activities of real situation, the design and implementation of the course of butterfly ecology education courses, and to explore the method of teaching in the Teaching of problems encountered and solutions, as well as learners after receiving instruction, awareness and attitude of the butterfly has improved. Researcher to serve the school and community tribal field of study, study Chienshih Township, Hsinchu County, an elementary fifth-graders 27. In the process of learning activities to observe the learners' interest in the butterfly ecology, community tribe tips about the discovery and the growth of student knowledge. Through data collection and analysis, real situation of learning contribute to the children of their potential, understanding shown by the students' interest in learning and willingness and ability to find problems and think really has improved, but also show the behavior starting from the heart of a caring nature. Analyzed and found: 1.Learning in real situations can enhance students' interest and willingness to learn. 2.Butterfly ecology education in the real situation, educators must understand the ecological profile of available resources, as well as butterflies. 3.Implementation of the butterfly ecological education can improve student butterfly ecological knowledge and ability to convey.
Appears in Collections:Thesis