Title: 以Scratch學習程式設計及其與學習者認知風格的關連性
Learning Programming with Scratch and Its Relationship with Learners' Cognitive Styles
Authors: 陳冠岑
Chen, Kuang-Tsen
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
Keywords: 認知風格;Scratch;學習程式設計;Cognitive Styles;Scratch;Learning of Programming
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Scratch軟體的視覺化及拼圖式設計之介面,增加了程式設計的易學性,程式分享網站提供學習者知識累積及共創的平台,藉由現成範例的拆解、組合、重構和微調,初學者從仿效中學習程式概念,增加學習的自主和彈性。 本研究依學習者認知風格偏好的不同,將國中九年級受試學生分為場地獨立和場地依賴二組,以學生自學過程中的程式設計策略和解題行為來觀察其學習歷程,並以學習任務來檢測學習成效,探討個別差異在Scratch學習程式設計之影響。 根據本研究結果,得到下列結論: 一、不同認知風格學生,在Scratch學習程式設計,其設計策略沒有顯著差異,可能與範例式學習只需修改部分程式有關,所以採用的策略較不明顯,但場地獨立偏好之學習者較傾向Bottom-Up方式。 二、場地獨立偏好之學生,傾向使用解構的解題行為進行程式設計,於拆解和重組次數上較多,能從中瞭解程式概念。 三、在Scratch學習程式設計,不會因為認知風格偏好的差異而產生學習成效之不同。
Scratch, a visual and block-based programming language software, makes programming easy to learn. Websites of Scratch program sharing provide further knowledge and a discussion platform for students. With deconstructing, combination, reconstruction and fine tuning, beginners learn the concepts of programming by imitating and recombination. This approach encourages autonomy and flexibility in learning programming. In this study, we collect data from 75 junior high school students for research by convenience sampling, and use Group Figure-Embedded Test (GFET) to measure the tendency of their cognitive style. We observe the learning process of the students in terms of their design strategy and program-solving behavior, evaluate their learning achievements based on a design tasks, as well as investigate the individual differences. Based on the result of experiment, our primary findings are as follows: a. Different cognitive styles show no relationship with design strategy. This may result from the fact that the students need only to modify others’ program. However, the learners with Field Dependence tendency usually use the Bottom-Up approach. b. The students with Field Dependence tendency express problem-solving behavior of deconstruction in programming, show higher frequency of breaking down modules and recombination, and find out more concepts of programming. c. Cognitive Styles have no relationship with learning achievements in program design of Scratch.
Appears in Collections:Thesis