Title: 高功率及高重複率全固態紫外光雷射的製作與優化: 長時間運作的穩定性研究
Fabrication and optimization of high-power and high-repetition-rate all-solid-state UV laser: investigation of the long-term stability
Authors: 李昇晁
Li, Sheng-Chao
Chen, Yung-Fu
Keywords: 紫外光雷射;固態激發;UV;DPSS;Q-Switch
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文主要是探討固態激發紫外光雷射的光路設計、元件選用、參數優化與解 決長時間測試可能產生的問題。在光路設計上,本實驗是利用雷射二極體單端激發 增益介質的方式來產生 1064nm 基頻雷射光,之後再利用非線性轉換來產生 532nm 綠光與 355nm 波段的紫外光,最高輸出功率約為 3W,此系統共振腔是選用平平腔, 藉此來產生較大的輸出功率與實現較佳的光束品質。我們在共振腔光路中加入一組 聲光式 Q-Switch,藉由外部控制的射頻訊號來讓 Q-Switch 產生瞬間的短脈衝訊號, 除了能讓紫外光雷射夠在短時間內輸出高能量脈衝光能量之外,也可以讓後端的非 線性轉換有更好的轉換效率。 建構完固態紫外光雷射後,我們將其做長時間運轉測試,一開始,雷射的使用 壽命只有 7 小時,接著利用除塵除濕,將環境變數減到最小,再透過光路的微調, 使原本聚焦在三倍頻晶體的光束離焦,發現此方法可以讓紫外光雷射的輸出功率更 穩定,三倍頻晶體的使用壽命也能夠延長,之後,再利用不同三倍頻平台移動方式 來做測試,經實驗發現,要讓紫外光雷射能有較穩定的輸出功率,首先雷射光路必 需先經過除塵除濕,且將光路中的三倍頻 LBO 晶體離焦,再使用定時定點的方式移 動三倍頻平台,就能延長紫外光雷射的壽命到至少 100 小時。
This thesis provides the comprehensive concept of the fabrication and optimization of the high-power, high-repetition-rate Q-switched solid-state UV laser. We use an acousto-optically Q-switch and adopt a flat-flat cavity design to scale up of the output power and generate a nearly diffraction-limited fundamental beam at 1064 nm. With this optimized actively Q-switched laser, we perform the extracavity harmonic generations to obtain the UV radiation, where the maximum output power of approximately 3.7 W is achieved under an incident pump power of 26 W and a pulse repetition rate of 40 kHz. A test of the long-tern stability of this solid-state UV laser is conducted subsequently. It is experimentally found that the continuous motion of the LBO crystal together with the avoidance of the dust and humidity can remarkably stabilize the output power at 355 nm and make the lifetime of the UV laser to be considerably improved over an 100-hours-long operation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis