Authors: | 蔡君徽 CAI,JUN-HUI 陸懋宏 LU,MAO-HONG 光電工程學系 |
Issue Date: | 1989 |
Abstract: | 本論文是利用鉀原子的雙光子共振, 針對幾個特殊的非線性光學現象, 進行深入探討
並提出適當的理論解釋; 內容主要包括三部分:
1.多波混合: 將脈衝染料雷射的波長調至鉀原子雙光子共振〔4S-nS(n=7,8), 4S-nD
(n=5,6)〕, 在300-370nm 波段內, 可測得大量的紫外輻射; 這些紫外譜線是由雷射
光子與鉀原子受激後本身所產生的紅外光子耦合而產生的; 我們分析了每一條譜線的
產生過程及相位區配關係, 並討論共振加強對譜線強度的影響。
2.二次諧波: 我們利用鉀原子的4S- 6S, 4S- nP(n=5,6), 4S-nd(n=3,4) 雙光子共
振, 測量二次諧波。根據實驗結果, 採用四波混合模型, 分別考慮各能態的X (-2ω
, 0, ω, ω)值, 離化電流大小及自由電子速度等, 並且加入單光子或雙光子吸收所
造成的飽和效應; 完整的解釋了我們的實驗結果。
3.4S- 3D雙光子共振之譜線: 在4S- 3D雙光子共振下, 我們在300-600nm 波段內, 測
量到50條發射譜線, 這些譜線具有不同的特性, 它們分別屬於各種不同機構產生的,
包括: 能量遷引, 諧波效應, 電四極輻射, 激發態能量轉移, 多波混合, 碰撞所引發
的多波混合等過程; 其中還有三條譜線是由分子螢光與雷射光子耦合產生的。 Some nonlinear optical phenomena have been discussed theortically and experimentally under two7 photon resonance of potassium atoms. There are including three parts: 1.Multi7 wave mixing:Four7 wave and six 7 wave mixing processes under two7 photon transitions (4S-7S),(4S-8S),(4S-5D),and (4S-6D) have been investigated for the wavelength 3007 370 nm. The wave7 coupling schemes and the non7 collinear phase match angles for the observed UV lines have been analyzed. 2.Second harmonic generation: Optical second harmonic generation have been observed on or near the 4S-6S, 4S-nP(n=5,6), and 4S-nD(n=3,4) two7 photon resonances, as laser scanning in the 660-940 nm. Base on the experimental results, we use the X(3) (圖表省略) model to explain the SHG in alkali vapors, i. e., two laser photons mix with a DC electric field from the multiphoton lonization of potassium vapors. 3.The spectrum on the 4S-3D 5/2 two7 photon resonance: A rich emission spectrum in 3007 600 nm has been observed under the 4S-3D 5/2 two7 photon resonance. It is found that many kinds of mechanism, including energy pooling, harmonic generation, quadrupole radiation, excitation transfer, and multiwave mixing etc., are involved to produced these lines. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/54358 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |