Title: | 多目標公差配置之研究 A Sudy of Multiobjective Tolerance Allocation |
Authors: | 蔡碧紋 Pi-Wen Tsai 許錫美 Dr. Hsi-Mei Hsu 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 公差;公差配置;多目標公差配置;交談式多目標決策程序;Tolerance;Tolerance Allocation;Multiobjective Tolerance Allocation;Interactive Decision Process |
Issue Date: | 1992 |
Abstract: | 公差即為設計序容許工件尺寸變動之範圍, 公差配置為探討在產品尺寸已 知的情況下, 訂定各工件合理的公差設計. 一般多以最少成本法來考量此 問題. 然而, 隨著市場競爭日趨激烈, 產品品質日趨重要, 如何訂定一適 宜的成本及可靠度水準, 便是決策者縮所需考量的重要個課題之一.本研 究提出一多目標公差配置模式, 同時考慮可靠度及成本兩目標. 以交談式 多目標的決策程序考量目標間的取捨關係, 求得製程能力下, 決策者 滿 意之成本及可靠度之組合. 此模式提供決策者更自由的空間來考量目標的 取捨關係. 在產品設計階段便考只慮製程可行性與成本及可靠度間的關 係, 可減少設計與製造間的隔閡, 縮短產品上市時間, 增加產品之競爭 力. Tolerance is the total amount by which a specific dimension in an egineering drawing is permitted to vary. A great deal of reaearch on tolerance allocation problem have been devoted to an optimization problem by treating cost minimization as the objective function and the stack-up conditions as the conditions as the constraints. As we know, the keener the competition of market become, the more important the quality of product is. The decision-maker cannot ignore the necessity of a proper level of cost and reliability. In this thesis a model for multiobjective tolerance allocation problem is proposed, we consider both cost and reliability as our goals and manufacturing capacity as the constraint. What we use to solve this multi-objective problem is an interactive decision process. According to this process, there provides more free space for decision-maker to think of the trade-off between goals. As we measure the manufacturing feasibility an the correlation with cost and reliability at the first stage, we narrow the gap beteeen design and manufacture, and also raise the competition of product. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/56605 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |