標題: 矽化鉑╱複晶矽接觸電阻之研究
Study on Contact Resistance of PtSi/poly-Si
作者: 詹天皓
Tain-Haw Jan
Mao-Chieh Chen
關鍵字: 鉑;接觸電阻。;Pt;Contact Resistance。
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 本論文旨在探討以傳統離子佈植,離子穿透矽化物 (ITS),離子穿透金
屬(ITM) 技術所製備之矽化鉑/複晶矽結構的接觸電阻。接觸電阻之測量
鏡(SEM) 觀測此結構的表面及剖面狀態,以探討其接觸 電阻關連性。
P 型複晶矽中的接觸電阻小於N 型複晶矽的接觸電阻; 而P 型複晶矽中
穿透矽化物方式製作P 型複晶矽之接觸結構,(二氟化硼離子之佈植量1
E16),退火溫度 750-800℃,或用離子 穿透金屬方式製作 P型複晶矽
之接觸結構,(二氟化硼離子之佈植量 1E16),退火溫度 650-800℃。
The thesis studies the contact resistivity of the Ptsi/ p+-
polysilicon and PtSi/n+-polysilicon contact structures
fabricated by conventional, implant-through-silicide (ITS), and
implant-through-mental(ITM)techniques. The contact
resistivity is determined by using the six-terminal CBKR test
structure. The effect of implanted impurity (BF2+ and As+ )
dose on the contact resistivity is investigated. The contact
resistivity is also studied with respect to the process
temperature of the contact test structure. In addition, SEM
inspection was used to examine the PtSi surface and the PtSi/
polysilion interface morphology which is correlated to the
contact degradation. It is found that the contact resistivity
of the PtSi/P+-polysilicon contact structure is lower than
that of the PtSi/n+-polysilicon contact structure, while the
contact resistivity of the ITS processed samples is lower than
that of the ITM processed ones with BF2+ implantation.For the
PtSi/polysilicon contact structure, good ohmic contact can be
obtained by using the ITS and ITM techniques.For practical
application, the following ITS/ITM process condition is
proposed for a structure with Pt thickness of 300o or PtSi
thickness of 600o; BF2+ implantation at 100keV to a dose of
1E16, annealing temperature 750 to 800℃ for the ITS scheme,
and 650 to 800℃ for the ITM scheme.