Title: 競爭系統的收斂區域
Domain of Attraction of Competitive System
Authors: 蔡宜勳
Tsai, Yi-Shiun.
Lin, Song-Sun.
Keywords: 競爭, 收斂區域, 擴散, 成長係數.;competition , domain of attraction, diffusion , groth rate.
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本論文是研究競爭模式中的兩個系統, 其一為不具擴散作用的動力系統, 另者為具擴散作用的穩定系統.我們考慮此系統的非常數共存解的存在性 與收斂區域, 先作線性穩定性分析再求其數值解. In this thesis our goal is to study the two syatems of Lotka- Volterra-Gause Competition Model. One is dynamical system without diffusion, and the other is steady state system with diffusion. We dicuss the stabilities of their equilibrium. We consider existence of non-constant coexitence solutions and domain of attraction. We first analyze this system by linear stability analysis to find the local stability. Then, we use Taylor expansion to obtain numerical solutions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis