Title: 公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網之整合與評估
The Evaluation and Integration for Hazardous Materials Transportation Networks by Road and Emergency Response Transportation Networks
Authors: 楊燿楨
Yau-Jen Yang
Shoei-Uei Wu
Keywords: 路網整合程序;危害評估;系統安全管理;Networks Integration Procedure;Risk Assessment;System Safety Management
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 近年來,由於國內工商業高度發展,危險物品在需求量與生產量均大量增加,而目前台灣地區之公路路網更為普遍運用之運輸路線,故國內之危險物品主要以公路運輸為主。由於國內公路危險物品運送路網規劃無周全考量災害發生時之緊急應變路網,因而將會造成危險物品運送災害的擴大發生,影響民眾的安全。然而運送危險物品為生產製造到使用過程中必須經過的一環,但國內對於危險物品運送管理與緊急應變措施方面,安全管理仍有需加強,其中公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網尚未有一套完整之整合程序方法,係一值得研究之課題。 有鑑於此,首先,本研究針對目前公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網之現況進行了解與檢討,研析公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網之影響因素及危害評估。再針對目前台灣公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網之整合影響因素進行分析,透過系統安全理論與評估方法,藉由初步危害分析(Preliminary Hazard Analysis,PHA)、故障型式影響與嚴重度分析(Failure Modes, Effect and Criticality Analysis,FMECA)、安全風險矩陣評估與危險性綜合評估等評估方法,來分析探討目前國內公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網之影響因素對於運輸路網所造成之危害程度,進而建立一套路網整合程序與評估方法。最後,經由本研究所研析出的整合程序,在數例分析中,藉由本研究之整合程序,而模擬運送路網與緊急應變路網之整合,驗證本研究之整合程序是具有可操作性、及實用性的,且確立整合程序確實可行,因此,可做為未來規劃公路危險物品運送路網與緊急應變路網之整合程序與危害評估的參考依據。
The objectives of this study are to establish the hazardous materials transportation network by road integration procedure and assessment. First, the research understood and reviewed the present situation of hazardous materials transportation road networks. It is analyzed that the combines the influence factors of the hazardous materials transportation road networks. The study adopted system safety management theory and assessment method to formulate the integration procedure and assessment. Then we preceded the questionnaires into the risk recognition of experts and scholars, and we assessed the degrees of all hazard factors and the whole system by means of hazard matrix assessment and hazard synthetic assessment. After questionnaires and assessment, we moved on the failure mode, effect, and critical analysis of all hazard factors this study selected on the strength of the method named FMECA. Finally, a example is demonstrated to show how to use this developed method to evaluate and integrate with the hazardous materials transportation and emergency response road networks.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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