Title: 寡占市場競爭環境下最適允諾交期及價格之訂定
Committed Cycle Time and Pricing Strategy in an Oligopoly Competitive Environment
Authors: 陳子文
Hsi-Mei Hsu
Keywords: 寡占競爭環境;允諾交期;定價;Oligopoly;Committed Cycle Time;Pricing
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 現今台灣的電子產業中,許多產品市場大都是由少數製造商所寡占。這些製造商的個別定價策略對市場佔有率會相互影響,進而影響收益。所以製造商在訂定策略時,必需考量競爭對手的定價策略以決定自己的最適策略。為了因應電子產品市場汰舊換新的速率快速,顧客會希望縮短產品的允諾交期,讓產品及早上市。然而,製造商為縮短產品的允諾交期,其產出量及機台利用率均會下降,使得產品的單位成本提高,進而影響產品的價格。故製造商應如何在允諾交期及價格上作一個取捨,並使其允諾交期及價格組合較競爭對手相對有利,以吸引顧客下單,為一重要的課題。因此,本研究在寡占市場環境下,分別就主要競爭製造商的競爭及合作關係,考量顧客對於允諾交期及價格的偏好程度,以及與競爭對手間的差異,以公司利潤最大化為目標,訂定製造商最適的允諾交期及價格,以供管理者決策之參考。本研究以一案例說明製造商如何訂定最適允諾交期及價格。
In this research, we present an approach to set price and lead-time for make-to-order manufacturing systems facing few competitors. In this research, it is assumed that the mean demand rate for a particular manufacturer is a function of its price and committed cycle time and those provided by its competitors. In a given production capacity, the throughput and manufacturing cycle time are not independent. The relationship of throughput and manufacturing cycle time should be considered for setting price. However, this relationship is difficult to define. In this research, we use a simulation model to define this relationship. Considering the relationship of throughput and manufacturing cycle time and a given demand rate function, we developed a profit model to determine optimal price and committed cycle time. We investigated the cooperative environment of competitors that is to set a common price and committed cycle time. We show that the profit for each manufacturer in the cooperative environment is better than competitive environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis