标题: BiCMOS 非整数除频器
Radio-Frequency BiCMOS Fractional-N Frequency Divider
作者: 唐崇文
Chrong-Wen Tang
Jieh-Tsorng Wu
关键字: 非整数;除频器。;Fractional-N;Frequency Divider.
公开日期: 1993
摘要: 本论文在描述一个射频BiCMOS非整数除频器的设计, 此除频器是由一个三
路器能够同时具备高解析度与快速换频的功能, 藉由史格玛调节的杂讯变
形的运用,非整数除频所产生的相位杂讯可被滤除, 此锁相回路的最小频
道间距是参考频率的二千分之一, 低频的相位杂讯的功率密度则比直流
低140dB多系数除频器使用一微米BiCMOS制程, 它同时具备高速与低功率
消耗的特色,在摄氏125 度下, 此除频器最高输入频率是 1.2GHz , 除频
比率由 64 至 95 , 主要功率消耗来自双载子电路, 而它的电流消耗是
68mA, 为了降低从第一级至最后一级所产生累积的相位杂讯, 再同步电路
This thesis describes a radio-frequency BiCMOS fractional- N
frequency divider which is composed of a third-order Sigma-
Delta modulator and a multi-modulus divider. The fractional-N
frequency divider allows a phase-locked loop(PLL) to achieve
fine frequency resolution and fast switching time. Phase noise
introduced by fractional-N division can be removed by the use
of the noise-shaping concept of Sigma-Delta modulation. The
frequency resolution of the PLL using the divider is fi/2000.
At low frequencies, the power density of the quantization noise
is 140dB lower than dc output. The multi-modulus divider is
fabricated with 1.0um BiCMOS technology. It has the
characteristics of high speed and low power. The maximal input
frequency of the divider is 1.2GHz. The divide number of the
divider is from 64 to 95. The main sources of power consumption
are Bipolar circuits whose current consumption are 68mA. A
resynchronous circuit is designed to reduce the phase noise
caused by accumulated delays from the first stage to the last