Title: 研發機構技術落實策略的發展歷程-以工業技術研究院為例
The technology dissemination course of R&D organization- The case of ITRI
Authors: 凌嘉駿
Benjamin J. C. Yuan
Keywords: 技術落實;策略發展歷程;模糊多評準決策;工業技術研究院;Technology dissemination;strategy development course;FMCDM;ITRI
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 透過政府以及大學研發機構的技術落實,已經成為政府提高國際競爭力的重要機制。本文以模糊多評準決策的方法,針對工研院目前的七個研究所及六個研究中心進行問卷調查,試圖尋找工研院三十年來的技術落實策略以及其背後的策略義涵。在技術落實方案的選擇上,受訪者在各項評量準則的權重上,給予「技術受保護的程度」最高的權重,其次為「技術商品化的可能性」、「移轉時效性高」。其次,在評估各個時期在四項技術落實方案的選擇上,1970年代、1980年代、1990年代分別以「技術服務」「單向擴散」、「雙向擴散」為該時期最為重要的技術落實方案,其中1990年代以後,技術落實方案的選擇上已漸趨於多元化。 在考量內外在環境後,發現過去三十年來工研院各個期間的技術落實策略受到(1)領導風格;(2)政府政策;(3)產業結構;(4)技術價值;(5)研發經費來源之5個因素的影響。除此之外,我們認為技術落實策略是研發機構被動回應環境下所產生的事後策略觀點。根據研發機構在各階段策略背後的義涵歸納出研發機構技術落實策略的歷程為:(1)模仿期;(2)衝擊反應期;(3)多元發展期。最後,我們認為研發機構應將技術行銷的概念落實於組織中,且技術落實的策略本身必須回應所處的環境,透過不同組織間的串連,創造一個大孵化器,提供科技創業平台所需要的各種資源條件與文化氛圍,在創業家精神瀰漫於該地區後,技術的落實自然會形成。
Technology dissemination from government or university R&D organizations to private sectors is becoming important mechanisms to enhance international competitiveness. Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making methodology was used to evaluate four technology dissemination programs to find out its strategy trait and strategic intent. The result shows that the protection of the technology got the highest weight among the second-tier sub-objectives, and the second and the third is the possibility of communization and the timing of technology transfer. Furthermore, the technology service, one-way diffusion, and two-way diffusion are the most important strategy application programs in 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, respectively. The selection of the technology dissemination programs is more diversification after 1990s. Considering the internal and external environmental conditions accompanying by each period, we find that technology dissemination strategies, during the past 30-year period, were influenced by five factors: (1) leadership; (2) government policy; (3) structures of industry; (4) technology value-based; and (5) source of research budget. Because the technology dissemination strategies is the process that R&D institute passively reflect the environment, we suggest the strategies take a certain course. The three periods are: (1) imitation; (2) reflection; and (3) diversified development. Finally, focus on the technology marketing perspectives and develop the suitable strategy to reflect the environment it located, R&D institute create a great incubation platform with entrepreneurial resources and cultural atmosphere by strategic alliance with other university and government laboratories. The technology disseminations follow the entrepreneurship filled in the air.
Appears in Collections:Thesis