Title: 模糊多目標 R&D 計劃評選方法
A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method for R&D Project Selection
Authors: 謝特藝
T. Y. Shieh
H. M. Hsu
Keywords: 多目標決策;語意變數;模糊數排序;相似度測量;計劃評選;Multi-criteria decision making;Linguistic variables;Banking fuzzy selection
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 近年來由於消費者意識的抬頭,科技快速進步及國際化競爭日趨激烈,造 成產品的生命週期縮短及市場變化劇烈且不易預測。另一方面人工、本的 上揚,研發單位為了提高廠商得競爭力及輔導產業升級,皆致力於新產品 的開發及技術的提升,期望適時提供高品質、低成本及多樣化的產品。因 此,如何有效地選擇R&D方案進行研究開發便成為一項重要的課題。 R&D 方案的決策過程可概分為方案的規劃、評估、執行等三個階段,本研 究的範圍在第二階段-方案的評估。方案評估的目的是整合方案在各評估 準則下的評估值,以決定方案選擇的優先順序。 在本論文 中以語意變數的方式表達決策者的評估值,以三角模糊數表示語意變數, 使決策者能更充分且容易地表達其主觀意見,並利用修正的加權平均方法 整合決策者的評估值且以語意描述方案的整體評估值及方案間的差異程度 ,提供決策者選擇方案的參考,進而構建一套模糊多準則R&D方案評選的 決策模式並以一案例加以說明。 This study developes an approach for selecting R&D projects. The approach is based on the fuzzy set theory. The linguistic variables and fuzzy numbers are used to present the decision makers' subjective assessment about criteria weightings and the rating of each alternative repective to each criterion. A modified weighted average method is proposed to evaluate the R& D projects. This study proposes a method to ranking the fuzzy numbers. Then the ranking of the R&D projects is determined. Using similarity measure, we also provide the suitable terms to describe each project. The difference between the 1st order project and the others are described as linguistic variables. der. The second one is a multiple objectives model for ae-to- order production system. This model is an extension of Finally, an exampl is given to illustrate the process of the approach.
Appears in Collections:Thesis